6 Months with Dante Kai

A little over 6 months ago, the most precious and sweetest human being entered my life.  Ever since 10:44 AM on December 18th, 2016 - my life got flipped RIGHT SIDE UP!  God completely transformed my world when he brought this beautiful boy into it.  I used to blog constantly, but now not so much because I dedicate most of my free time to my son.  However, when I have amazing thoughts like I am having today - I set the time aside to share them with my followers (if I still have any left, haha).  I've always been a spiritual person & always knew God was in control.  After being abandoned and having my son without his father around, I chose to LET GO & LET GOD. People are always asking me if it's hard raising Dante Kai on my own.  The truth is, I am not alone though.  First and foremost, I have God. Secondly, I have a village of amazing people always helping out and cheering me on.  If it weren't for Dante, I wouldn't have met these people who I cherish so much.  For example, my doula is now a huge part of our lives, and I'm grateful beyond words for her.  Plus, a few of the friends I already had showed me so much love when I needed it most and didn't even expect to receive it.  Things happen for a reason - whether you choose to believe that or not.  I am telling you from experience.  A year ago, I thought my life was ending.  Fast forward to today, my life is only beginning.  

My son is a BLESSING, a MIRACLE, a SANCTIFICATION!  He has not only changed my life, he has changed the people around us.  He has opened others' eyes and hearts to see things they didn't see before him.  I get to spend more time with my friends because of him.  Everyone reaches out to me because they miss his face on the daily.  So regardless of the fact that his father doesn't want much to do with him, life is GREAT.  I am making the most of life now. Dante and I are constantly making new memories each and every day.  Dante has a heart of gold, the most contagious smile and a laugh that I can't get enough of.  When I wake up to his beautiful face each morning, I instantly thank our God.  I don't even question anything from my past because I know this is where I am supposed to be.  I have made many mistakes, but I must have done something right because God blessed me with this amazing human.  I will live each remaining day of my life in awe of this miracle.  I will cherish and love my son unconditionally.  He will grow up to know how much love was always surrounding him. Also, he will learn from me to have a solid foundation and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Well, enough of the sappy stuff -- Dante is sitting up on his own, almost crawling and eating all the fruits and veggies I give him.  He is babbling a ton, and his first word was "Dada".  I'm impatiently waiting for him to say "Mama".😍  He has been swimming this summer and is absolutely loving it.  He is going to be an ocean child just like his mama!  I am teaching him how to have fun and laugh as much as possible.  He has so much personality at a such a young age. Everywhere I take him, people admire him and tell me how blessed I am (even though I am aware).  He is going to be one of the kids that fits in anywhere.  He is going to be kind, loyal and smart (darn it, he already is!).  I swear he takes more care of me & he doesn't even realize it yet.  He made the broken beautiful.💙

To all of my fellow mamas out there - be sure to take a moment each day and tell your child(ren) how much you love them.  It may seem so simple, but I think it's important for them to hear it no matter what age they are.  Being reminded that you are loved never gets old (not for any of us)!

Cheers to December 18th, 2016 - the best day of my life for so many reasons!

~ J. Lynn