When you find a GIRLFRIEND who is like GOLD to you, YOU’RE BLESSED!

I am lucky enough to have a girlfriend who I can be my absolute weirdest self around because I feel free enough to do and say whatever the hell I please in her company.

She knows my heart and soul.  She is always on my side and is the first one to defend me but also the first one to tell me when I’m wrong, because she wants the best for me and wants me to grow.

We bring out the best in each other, without trying.  Our walls get ripped down.

We’ve never had a dull afternoon when we are in the same room. Put US together and it’s a whole bunch of crazy that’s actually amazing.

She is always prepared to bail me out of potentially awkward or boring situations, or to save me from the creep at the bar.

She doesn’t hold back to keep the peace at any cost.  Instead, she will risk a fight in order to tell me what I need to hear.

She tells me whenever something is holding me back, even if it's me who's holding me back.

The least amazing situations don’t seem so shitty when I’m with my best friend because we can identify the memories being made while the frustrating things happen & that’s enough to make me smile.

I am so thankful for your never-ending encouragement and love. 

Loyalty and unconditional love is hard to find so make sure you let your true friends know you care! In order to maintain your health, you need support.  Having good friendships create happiness and joy in your life.  


~J. Lynn