Accept Your Body

Your body— is your body.
As long as you choose to listen to your body— to eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, exercise when you have energy, and relax when you need rest, your body will find it’s natural set weight.
So for all of those who think it’s alright to give your two cents about someone else's body, or that those who accept their bodies at all shapes and sizes endorse something negative….you endorse self hate, you endorse disorderly eating, and you endorse poor health.
Someone else's body is NONE of your business.
So keep your judgments where they belong... to yourself.
Body acceptance is a major thing to have BELIEF in!
Get rid of these ridiculous labels. Who draws the line between “fat” and/or “skinny” anyways?
Why do we give so much power to these stupid words? Why do we let them define who we are?
You cannot look at someone and automatically assume their health status from their shape or their size.
You can disagree with me all you want, but I know this to be true.
At one point in my life, I was 50+ lbs overweight. I could barely walk up a flight of steps without losing my breath. I ate when I wasn't hungry. My skin was breaking out because I was choosing the wrong foods. I didn't listen to my body at all. A few years later, I finally had enough of feeling like crap. I started listening to my body and eating super-foods. I lost 50 lbs and gained so much more energy. It was a life changing experience that I made for MYSELF, not for anyone else.
I am proud to be able to stand up for others and shed some light on the way we view our bodies and talk about the bodies of others.
So stop the labels, stop the remarks, and stop the hate.
Why is it so hard to watch people love themselves, to accept themselves as they are?!
Personally, I look up to these people, I wish I was confident enough to do the same.
Learn to love the skin you're in, and allow others to do the same.
The body shaming stops NOW.

~ J. Lynn