What Occurred When I Gave Up Sugar for 3 Weeks?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a sweet tooth. I can demolish a dozen of peanut butter cookies in 30 minutes flat. I love healthy and nutritious foods and eat a salad almost every night for dinner, but my self-discipline is non-existent when it comes to baked goods and ice cream.

Unfortunately, a tendency to over-indulge in sugar can lead to health issues, so back in 2009, I decided to really embrace a healthy lifestyle and ditch sugar.
Here’s how I gave up added sugar & how you can do it, too!

The Guidelines
1. No added sugar, no artificial sweeteners, and no alcohol.

First, I had to figure out what in my diet had to go.

So for 3 weeks, try these tips that helped me:
  • Make your own salad dressing instead of buying it from the store
  • Drink plain black coffee for an afternoon pick-me-up instead of a handful of M&Ms
  • Drink the unsweetened version of vanilla almond milk
  • Eat plain Greek yogurt instead of a flavored kind
  • Eat fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth
  • Avoid alcohol ;)
However, just because I was giving up added sugar for a few weeks didn’t mean I had to walk away from it forever. Sugar can be useful at times and it can be an ingredient in perfectly healthy recipes. The key is moderation. Since moderation is clearly what I lack when it comes to sugar, I decided it was best to start from zilch, which is exactly what I set out to do.

The Experience
The first week was unbelievable. The second week I wanted to call it quits. And, the third week I examined a whole lot about my life.

I experienced a more even energy level. This made me feel great during the first wee. The second week, my cravings took over my mind. I had to make a conscious effort to choose plain black coffee instead of a box of Lorna Doone cookies. It was harder to plan out all my meals, but I did it anyway.

Despite my fatigued willpower, I survived the second week, and, surprisingly, entered the homestretch of this experiment with a new kind of inspiration. I had yet to give up, and I had proven to myself that I could actually do this thing! Overnight oats sweetened only by strawberries tasted like an indulgence. Water infused with lemon and oranges sustained me through a tough afternoon.  I felt good about eating clean food, and I was happy with how my body looked.

The Physical Changes
Simply by removing sugar from my diet, I lost six pounds in three weeks. I also had a flatter tummy for three weeks. I was less bloated and had more energy. Needless to say, I loved that more than a cookie!!! My complexion also improved after eliminating the sugar. 

The Result
I had an epiphany.  I thought to myself “What if I could enjoy sweets in moderation?” As much as I missed eating whatever I pleased, I hated the bloated, sleepy feeling that came with over-indulging in sugary foods.

After three weeks without sugar, I had lost weight, gained energy, and developed my taste. I also spent considerably less money on food and drinks. I guess that’s what happens when you pass on wine and dessert. I don’t think I could permanently say goodbye to my favorite red velvet cake, however I’ve gained a much better understanding of balance and quality.

Do you want to try to giving up sugar?
Here are my tips, enthused by what I learned through my own experience.

1. Eliminate your kitchen, home, and work-space of sugar before you begin.

2. Get a support system, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. A good support system can strengthen your willpower when you feel it diminishing.

3. Learn what sugar is. This seems obvious, but sugar hides under a lot of names. Knowing what to look for and knowing what products tend to have sugar in them can save a lot of time and confusion.

4. Prep yourself for success. Make sure you always have sugar-free foods on the ready.

5. Getting enough sleep is also really important. When my energy was drained, so was my willpower.

6. Know how to cheat. I chose my cheats carefully. I indulged in a few pieces of dark chocolate a couple times. I ate dark chocolate because studies have shown that dark chocolate can be good for your health.

7.  Lastly, fruit is your best pal. When fruit is the only sweet thing you eat, it tastes really sweet. 

Thank you for reading & I can't wait to hear about how you quit sugar!

~ J. Lynn