The Politics of Body Hate...


The politics of body hate… 
"A culture fixated on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty; it is an obsession about female obedience. {Weight stigma} is the most potent political sedative in women’s history; a quietly {shameful} population is a tractable one." - Naomi Wolf
We live in a dangerous world. The odds for obese children to be bullied is 63% higher than for a "normal" weight child.
There are so many prejudices about body weight and many believe that being thin is ideal.
This increases stress and the likelihood of using food.
Bullying is trauma; it also further reinforces the shame paradigm ("I am bad").
You can lead where you haven't been…
How do you feel about your own body?
Do you make body disparaging comments about yourself?
Have you gained or lost significant amounts of weight or had an eating disorder?
When I was younger, I was always overweight and would get teased from fellow classmates. I also had bad acne during high school and college. That was another thing that had me depressed and self-conscious. Now, I'm pregnant and I have just some minor hormonal breaks outs but I still get comments made to me about the way I look. We will never be able to please everyone. We will always have flaws or things we're working on changing because none of us are perfect or ever will be.
I exercise and take care of my body for the energy, health, strength, and vitality. This isn't about being skinny or losing weight. I exercise because I love and respect my body. I want to nourish my body so I can have the energy to serve others and to be around for my family & friends.
I stay MOTIVATED with the help of likeminded people. I do this to feel HEALTHY and STRONG. When you begin to love and accept who you are, you will change faster on the outside as well. I love my body. I love my life so I will continue on this health and fitness journey.
If you would like me help you on your health & fitness journey, click here to contact me:

~ J. Lynn