Tips to Staying on Track with Your Weight-Loss Voyage

I’m sure many of you have experienced this at some point in your weight-loss journey:

You’ve just found the solution to losing the excess weight and keeping it off continually. You figure out what to eat on the plan charted, buy the groceries needed to follow it, and implement the exercise regime it recommends. You follow the program rigorously for a month and you lose some weight. You feel better and love how your clothes fit.

Then something dreadful happens, such as the end to a relationship, job issues, or events taking place left and right. Before you know it, you start snacking uncontrollably. After your snack-cident, then comes the wall of shame that leads you into a ditch of hopelessness and self-doubt. Feeling like a failure, you ditch your nutrition regime and fall back into your old unhealthy habits. The weight you lost soon comes back, along with a little additional.

Why does this keep occurring in your voyage?

Drawback #1:  We enjoy things that are new and exciting. It can be fun to start a new diet and exercise routine. We get to experiment with new recipes and new workout practices. However, once the initial enthusiasm wears off, we have a habit of getting uninterested.

Drawback #2:  We also are apt to have short attention spans. We want immediate results that don’t require a lot of anguish on our part. Anguish isn’t always physical pain.  We may feel sore after a tough workout, but we also can get annoyed with having to avoid fries and spending the time preparing healthy meals.

Drawback #3:  If it were possible to lose a huge quantity of weight in a short amount of time and keep it off for the rest of our lives, none of us would be in this situation in the first place. Continued, healthy weight loss and maintenance takes time, stamina, and perseverance.

Here are six tips on how to develop a method that will stop you from engaging in that unhealthy pattern and help you in the long run reach your goals:

1. Look at the Big Picture:  Recognize the wish for originality and meet these needs in other areas in your life before the freshness of the diet and/or exercise routine wears off. For instance, you could try a new activity or hobby. Also, look at the rest of your life and what realistic, maintainable changes you need to make to meet your goals.

2. Sustain Mental Stamina:  Think of weight loss and upkeep as a marathon rather than a dash.

3. Be Realistic with Yourself:  Accept your weaknesses. For example, if you know that an upcoming picnic with friends and it will be hard to stick to your meal plan, work around it by planning ahead. Ponder what you will eat beforehand and figure out a way to avoid the sugary desserts. Remember that being healthy is hard work and doesn’t come effortlessly and you may not always like the process. Anticipate rough times when you are bored of your meal plan and feel like defying or feel bitter about having to work out because you just don’t feel like it that day.

4. Celebrate Your Successes:  We have a tendency to prosper and succeed at goals when we are commended. Instead of giving yourself a label like “failure,” when you go off-plan, tell yourself it is okay and accept that you’re “a work in progress.”

5. Cultivate a Strong Support System:  Many people find that they are more successful with long-term weight loss when they involve others in the process. How could your significant other, family, or friends support you in your goals? Could your share healthy meals or exercise together? If you’re feeling like missing your working or eating something you shouldn’t, could you call them to help you get motivated to stay on track?

6. Invest in Health Coaching: There is an inclination to slide back into old eating habits after an initial weight loss due to how we deal (or don’t deal) with our emotions. A health coach can help you identify patterns when faced with upsetting emotions and help you address problems when they arise.

Never Stop Fighting for the One You Love

The thought doesn't count. The action is what counts. Stop saying things to the one you love without doing things to prove it. It isn't enough to just love someone. You have to show your love every single day.

Don't let your fears, your past, your pride or your selfishness interfere with you making an effort.  Even if you're scared or weak, don't stop fighting for the one you love. You need to give her your time and all of your heart. Grab her hand when times are stressful and keep her calm. Kiss her face every chance you get, spoil her and make her feel special every day.

Remember, this is the woman who has changed your life, who has made you a better man. This woman loves all your flaws and wrongness. This woman will wipe your tears and take away your fears. By loving your imperfections, she will change you. You need to appreciate this woman because you know in your heart you will never give all of you like that to anyone else; no one will love you better. A true connection is once in a lifetime.

This kind of love is rare. It is special. You need to fight for it! You think it is supposed to be easy all the time, but nothing good is easy. You think the more chances you have, the better off you are. You might think there’s something better, but it’s all an illusion.

The woman you fell for is beautiful, opinionated and smart.  She doesn't always agree with you and can be difficult.  She is a challenge, but the easy girl will never fulfill you. She argues with you because she cares. She has big dreams for the future with you. She never lets you get away with slacking off because she knows what you have, and she will never put up with not getting everything she deserves.

Don’t risk losing the best thing you ever had. Whatever you do, don’t let her get away. It may be difficult at times but she will never leave you displeased or unhappy. However, she will leave if you keep taking advantage of her. You think that no matter what you do, she will always be there because she loves you. Nonetheless, remember that you fell for the woman who won't just go with the flow because she knows her worth. She doesn't settle for someone who doesn't put her first.

You found a love that keeps growing and that keeps your soul alive. Don't let this love slip away because of your ego, pride or selfish ways. Wake up and realize she's worth fighting for. If you don't, you are the one who will grieve the most.

~J. Lynn

For Those That Have a Fearless Heart...

By listening to my heart, I made some foolish choices. I know I'm not the only one. I am hoping this reaches others who can relate. 
I wasn't afraid to take risks when it came to love. While some may say I'm brave, please know that following our hearts doesn’t always lead to simplicity and answered questions.
I overthought every possible scenario just to be prepared. I played everything out in my mind. I thought about how I would respond to every situation. I made up a world in my head, and nothing happened the way I thought.
Then, I spent days beating myself up, replaying every detail afterwards. I thought I should have seen that coming or I should have said this. However, no matter how many scenarios you make up in your head, there’s always one you miss.
Anyone who is fearless and believes in love has that one relationship that changed everything. I still think about it every day and part of me regrets it. However, part of me is proud to have tried.
I love too deeply. There isn’t anyone who will love you deeper than that of a worried mind and fearless heart. The amount of time we spend worrying is just a reflection of how much we care.
I had the best intentions. I had the bravest heart. Regardless, it didn't work out how I planned or wanted.
I will continue to pray that one day soon things will turn around. I know God has a better plan than I do. If you keep your faith, anything is possible. I know that the BEST DAYS ARE YET TO COME!
~ J. Lynn

Your Life is...Your Life!

The decisions you make daily affect your life in ways you may never have imagined.  Sometimes, you think you are doing the right thing in that moment, but then you end up getting a result you never thought was possible.  Life isn't a destination.  It's a journey and a process.  You can't control everything that happens either.  You make one decision based on certain knowledge you have and then find out that knowledge was incorrect.  You are constantly growing and learning... hopefully! You have to accept what is and learn to let go of what you can't control.  Some days, you may want to just give up, but that isn't healthy.  The actions we take need to have the responsibility behind them.  You can't blame anyone else for what happens in your life.  Your reactions to others' reactions are YOURS and ONLY YOURS!  Life isn't easy, not even the slightest bit.  When you overcome one tribulation, you are faced with another struggle.  Whatever you do, don't let others' opinions of you change who you are or what you do.  Always BE YOURSELF.  People will judge you whether you're doing bad or good.  People will always have something to say about you, so learn to ignore them. Live your life with DETERMINATION, PEACE and POSITIVE VIBES.  Your life isn't over until God says it is.  You can always be an OVERCOMER!

~ J. Lynn

Do You Want to Decrease Your Stress & Up Your Joy?

Figure out the source of your problem to remove stress before it even occurs. If you modify your life and alter certain habits, you can prevent most of the stress in your life.

I’m not saying that you will never experience a stressful day or time because life comes with challenges. Nonetheless, I do think that most of the stress in our lives is unnecessary, and that it can be eliminated by taking some simple steps.

Identify stressors:  Take 10 minutes to think about what causes you to stress out during the day. What people, activities, things cause stress in your life?

Eat healthy:   Become healthier and a major source of stress will disappear. What you eat affects your mood.

Exercise:  Exercising helps relieve the stress accumulation.  It gives you some silent time to contemplate and relax, and it makes you more fit. A fitter person is better equipped to handle stress.

Eliminate unnecessary commitments:   We all have many commitments in our life, starting with work but also including commitments related to our significant others, home, family, religion, and hobbies. Consider each of them, the amount of stress they deliver, and the value you get out of them. Take steps today to remove the ones that stress you out the most.

Procrastination:  Find ways to take care of stuff now so things don’t pile up and overwhelm you.

Disorder:  Get rid of chaos and clutter! Take time to get things in your life organized, starting with your desk, your pantry and closets.

Late:  When we rush to get ready and rush to get somewhere, we end up stressing out the whole time about looking bad and being late. Learn the routine of being early, and this stress vanishes. Make a conscious effort to start getting ready earlier and to leave earlier.

Control:  We cannot control people or situations.  Learn to let go, and accept the way that other people do things, and accept what happens in different situations. The only thing you can control is yourself — work on your attitude and reactions.

Multitasking:  When we try to work on multiple tasks at the same time, it slows us down from actually focusing on a task and completing it.  Learn to work on one thing at a time.

Avoid difficult people:   You know who they are.  Just cut them out of your life.

Cancel Events:   Create more open periods of time in your life. It’s not necessary to schedule every minute of our lives.

Slow your roll:  Instead of rushing through life, learn to take things slow. Enjoy your food, enjoy the people around you, and enjoy the environment.

Help others:  Helping others, whether volunteering in your community or just making an effort to be compassionate towards people you meet, not only gives you joy, it somehow lowers your stress level.

Relax during the day:   It’s essential to take small breaks during your work day. Stop what you’re doing, get up, stretch and walk around. Go outside and enjoy the fresh air. Talk to someone you love.  

Be grateful:  Learn to be grateful for what you have, for the people in your life, and see it as a gift. With this view on life, your stress will go down and happiness will go up.

AND 1 not-so-simple step ….

Quit your job:  In most cases, your job is your absolute largest stress-or. Getting out of your 9-to-5 and finding something you truly love to do will create a positive life and much less stressful one at that. 

I hope that you choose to start creating new habits today so that you can UP YOUR JOY!!

~ J. Lynn

Are You Living For Your Eulogy?

Hello World,

Do you pay attention to your material possessions and status more frequently than your morals and values? Do you think when you are on your deathbed you will be concerned about your job or the money you have? ... OR ... Do you think you will be reminiscing about your life experiences and the time spent with loved ones?

Often people believe that materialistic things and lots of money will make them happier. However, it's actually who we have that is more important than what we have. You must first be who you really are. Being who you really are and doing what you were put on this earth to do is what makes an incredible eulogy. With that said, I believe that an ideal eulogy-worthy life is more achievable when we choose to live a simple life.
Our days on Earth always seem to be long, but the years seem to fly by. We tend to lose sight of where we are going on this adventure. We don’t identify that our daily decisions will greatly affect the big picture we’re painting with our life.
For myself, I have been thinking a lot about what my eulogy would say. And I’ve been recognizing some room for improvement. I am taking the following steps to improve my life starting today:
  • Be mindful when it comes to relationship investment and use of time. 
  • Don't let anyone in your life question just how much you appreciate what their presence has done for you in your journey. 
  • It’s vital that the most important person in our world understands the greatness of our devotion and appreciation. 
  • Give without hesitation or regret. Make sacrifices for others to see them be happy and to help them thrive.
  • Make time for relaxation and self-care.
  • Keep the faith and produce positive vibes. Never lose sight of God. 
  • Invest in experiences to create lasting memories with loved ones.
  • Go at your own pace. Don't compare yourself to others.

If you died today, what would you regret not being able to do? 
It’s never too late to redesign a life that leaves a legacy!

~ J. Lynn
Romans 12:12 - Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer

Taking Responsibility For Your Choices in Life

"When something bad happens, you have three choices.  You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you." - Unknown

I'm almost 31 years young, and I've been through a lot of trials and tribulations.  Some of these trials I caused and some were out of my control.  I've learned that when I make a choice, I have to take responsibility for the outcome (good or bad).  Don't get me wrong, it is always easier to blame someone else when a situation turns out the way you didn't expect it to.  However, we can't do that.  We have to take responsibility for our actions.  None of us are perfect.  It is inevitable that we are all going to mess up and make mistakes.  If we can accept our bad choices and make the best of our tribulations, then we end up stronger.  Everything happens for a's up to you to see the good in everything.  Something positive will always come from something negative. Remember that!

So if you're struggling with your career, your weight, your family, your relationship, your spirituality.... Take the necessary action steps to improve the area of your life in which you wish to change.

Don't blame your co-workers if you don't like your job.  Don't blame your parents if you are overweight. Don't blame your family if you are broke.  Don't blame your significant other if you are unhappy.  Don't blame your pastor if you lost your faith.

Some actions that I've taken throughout my life in several different situations were PRAYER, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & FINDING SUPPORT.

Our choices don't define us. It's HOW WE REACT to our decisions that define WHO WE ARE.

~ J. Lynn