Taking Responsibility For Your Choices in Life

"When something bad happens, you have three choices.  You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you." - Unknown

I'm almost 31 years young, and I've been through a lot of trials and tribulations.  Some of these trials I caused and some were out of my control.  I've learned that when I make a choice, I have to take responsibility for the outcome (good or bad).  Don't get me wrong, it is always easier to blame someone else when a situation turns out the way you didn't expect it to.  However, we can't do that.  We have to take responsibility for our actions.  None of us are perfect.  It is inevitable that we are all going to mess up and make mistakes.  If we can accept our bad choices and make the best of our tribulations, then we end up stronger.  Everything happens for a reason...it's up to you to see the good in everything.  Something positive will always come from something negative. Remember that!

So if you're struggling with your career, your weight, your family, your relationship, your spirituality.... Take the necessary action steps to improve the area of your life in which you wish to change.

Don't blame your co-workers if you don't like your job.  Don't blame your parents if you are overweight. Don't blame your family if you are broke.  Don't blame your significant other if you are unhappy.  Don't blame your pastor if you lost your faith.

Some actions that I've taken throughout my life in several different situations were PRAYER, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & FINDING SUPPORT.

Our choices don't define us. It's HOW WE REACT to our decisions that define WHO WE ARE.

~ J. Lynn