I’m Not the Girl I Was Last Year

Everyone changes.  You learn, you develop, and you experience new things.  Everything you come upon has some sort of effect on you.  That’s just how life works.  For the most part, these changes happen subtly over the course of a few years and dawdling enough that you barely even notice.

However, in 2016, I’ve changed the most -- so significantly to the point that I sometimes feel downright unrecognizable.  This past year tested my limits, made me fly and sent me crashing to the ground. I cried more, laughed more and spent a lot of my days in misconception.

My heart got broken. I lost the support of family and friends. Also, I learned that sometimes those “that’ll never happen to me” circumstances, may in reality happen to you.  As well, I gained incredible friends, who have taught and inspired me more than I could have conceivably imagined. They make sure I don’t take life too seriously, but drive me to stay focused every day. They are there for every laugh and every cry.

I had to figure out how to let people in while also sewing up my wounds on my own. It wasn’t easy and I spent time questioning every move I made. Nonetheless, I can’t and I don’t regret a thing.  I’ve learned too much and experienced too many vital things to look back and say “I truly wish I could take that back.”

Am I proud of all my judgments? I am certainly not. Did I do things I probably shouldn’t have? Yes, but that’s what helped me mature, and it was all worth it.  Who I am now isn’t afraid to make mistakes as long as I learn from them. I thought I was strong before, but I’m even stronger now. I know how to listen to my heart without entirely ignoring my mind.  I’ve learned how to let things go that I can’t control and not bottle up all of my emotions.

With every loss, I've gained something new. I’m still young and I haven’t figured it all out just yet. I’m still going to make senseless mistakes, and life is still going to test my boundaries.  I’m on a journey to be the best version of myself possible, whoever that may be.  Only God knows my future and only time will reveal it to me. 

~ J. Lynn

Life Would Be Different If We Couldn't Run Away

Some people always run.  They don’t have the courage or strength to stay.

Facing their problems seems almost inconsequential.  They don’t believe things will get better if they stick around to solve them. However, doesn’t pushing them to the side, moving as far as possible from them do the same thing?  Regardless, some people just disappear.

I guess it’s easier to run. Facing problems can hurt.  They can mess up the good things we’ve created, but we can also lose someone in the process.  So, if we run away, more things stay the same.  Some people are scared of change so running is their best option.

What if we couldn’t run, though?  Imagine that: a world where we had to face all our problems. Life would be exponentially different.  I believe this would be a better life.

We would understand each other more. We would openly converse when we had problems with other people. Then, those problems would be solved.  Some relationships may be lost in the process, and some hurt may dawdle. In the long run, we’d be at peace though.

Our relationships would be stronger.  We could have more reliance.  We could love greater because we’d know we were investing in quality people (people who won’t run away) who will speak to us.  We would face the fact that things are hard and work to fix them.

We would work to help ourselves. We would treat ourselves better in the process.  We would have more of an indication of the path that we would take.  Ultimately, we’d love ourselves more.

The truth is that the most problems we run from are the ones we face personally, within ourselves.  We avoid our character flaws and the chance of what could happen tomorrow.  If we couldn’t evade ourselves, or run away from our beliefs, we’d be forced to face them.  However — after facing ourselves, our opportunities, and others — wouldn’t we find more love for ourselves? I believe our lives would become easier.

We could end running away from our problems. We could begin to face them.  At that moment, the world would be a little different.

So today, I propose you stop running.  Take a moment to think about your life and the battles you are facing internally.  Contemplate ways that you can resolve those conflicts and find peace.

~ J. Lynn

Celebrate every day as if it were your birthday...

                                                  8.17.2015                                                      8.17.2016

Yesterday, I turned 31.  So much has changed in just one year -- there's been a lot of positive events as well as negative events.  I choose to count my blessings and not my trials.  The BIGGEST BLESSING EVER was when I found out I was pregnant back in April.  I am now 6 months pregnant & I can't wait to meet my little prince/princess!

I may be grown, but I'm still growing & learning more about life every single day that I wake up.  I'm grateful to know my Lord and Savior.  I appreciate everyone who has crossed my path and taught me a lesson, whether good or bad.  I love everyone from my past & everyone who's still here with me now. 

I want to make a POSITIVE IMPACT on this world.  I'm reaching for the STARS.  May God BLESS all of YOU who are by my side every step of the way.  Thanks for all the well wishes yesterday.  Each call, text and Facebook post meant the world to me.

I plan on making this year the best year of my life!  I hope YOU make the MOST of each day God wakes you up and BE HAPPY!  Life is SHORT - let's choose to make it SWEET!

~ J. Lynn

You're Not a Failure...

Dream - Do - Think


Eating Healthy During Pregnancy

#21WeeksAlong #ProudMamaBear ❤️

If you take care of your baby - your baby will take care of you! We're already a TEAM!

Getting the right nutrition while you're expecting is one of the best ways to give your baby a head start in life – and it can make pregnancy safer and more comfortable for you, too.

I am nourishing my baby the best I can every single day. In return, my baby has given me good health (no morning sickness), clear skin, long hair and a lot of energy. I'm so grateful to God for this wonderful blessing.

Here’s a list of pregnancy power foods that pack plenty of nutrients into just a few bites:

The amino acids in protein are the building blocks of every cell in your and your baby’s bodies. High-protein foods also keep your hunger at bay by stabilizing your blood sugar, which is why you should aim for about 75 grams of protein per day.

One of the most important nutrients for pregnant women is a B vitamin and lentils are packed with it. Folate is vital to forming your baby's brain and nervous system and has a powerful defensive effect against neural-tube defects like spina bifida.

Your baby needs calcium for his growing bones, and you need it to keep yours strong and to help your muscles and nerves function. Aim for about 1,200 mg every day. The active cultures (i.e., good bacteria) in yogurt can also help prevent stomach upset as well as yeast infections.

Cold-water fish like salmon is packed with omega-3 essential fatty acids, most importantly a type called DHA. These healthy fats are “vital” for a number of reasons: The body can’t make them on its own, they help metabolize fat-soluble vitamins like A and E, they may help reduce the risk of prenatal depression, and they’re critical for the development of your baby’s eyes and brain.

Loaded with folate, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6 (which helps baby's tissue and brain growth as well as eases morning sickness), avocados are a delicious way to get your vitamins.

Oats are full of fiber, B vitamins, iron and a host of other minerals. Along with other complex carbs, they're also packed with fiber (helpful if you’re dealing with constipation).

These green pods are packed with protein, calcium, folate and vitamins A and B. Edamame can be scooped up by the handful as a snack or tossed into just about anything you're cooking. Edamame makes a great gas-free stand-in for beans.

Carrots and red peppers are packed with beta-carotene, which the body converts it to vitamin A — critical for the development of your baby’s eyes, skin, bones and organs. They’re also a good source of vitamins B6 and C, plus fiber to keep things moving.

Don't forget to drink plenty of H20! Water has lots of benefits for you and your growing baby: building new cells, delivering nutrients, flushing toxins and more. Water also makes your tummy feel full, so you’re less tempted to reach for unhealthy snacks, and it can help with constipation during pregnancy. Plus the risks of dehydration are real: It can up the possibility of early labor.

One last important note: How much you eat is as important as what you eat. Following your doctor’s recommendations will help keep your pregnancy weight gain on track.  It will also reduce your risk for complications like gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.

Many blessings to my fellow Mama Bears! I hope you enjoy your pregnancy as much as I am. 

~ J. Lynn


The hidden ingredients that make food more appealing to our taste buds are added to a large percentage of all heavily processed foods. The 3 main ingredients (fat, sugar, and salt) are known to stimulate our taste buds and make us want more. They propagate an addictive cycle many people struggle with. However whole foods, with their amino acids, vitamins, minerals, glucose and fatty acids packed with fiber, do not propagate the same addictive problem.

Whole foods represent foods that retain their natural composition as well as contain no artificial additives or preservatives and have gone through little or no processing. Whole foods contain vitamins, minerals, water, fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber and much more. Each whole food, be it an apple, banana or quinoa, contains more nutrients than we are presently familiar with.

Our bodies have been in close-fitting relationship with whole foods for as long as we have been on this earth. We require the full range nutrition for ideal functioning, which only whole foods can provide.

Processed foods have their natural composition altered in some way. Foremost, not all processing is unhealthy. Light processing like cooking, freezing, blending, soaking, fermenting or drying can be reasonably healthy if done using whole foods and avoiding heavily processed ingredients.

Heavily processed foods can be extracted from whole foods (e.g. oils, sugars, MSG, food dyes, extracted proteins, other food stabilizing additives, etc.) or artificial sources. Most food processing also involves natural or artificial agents (salt, sugar, sodium, etc.) to preserve freshness and stop spoiling. Solid fats and added sugars are known to stimulate our taste buds; however they provide nothing but empty calories.

We live in a culture where many no longer recognize what is real whole food and what is an artificial product made of its parts. We overeat on convenient foods, not comprehending that we have overeaten on fats, sugars or salt, which create nutritional imbalance along the way.

We forget that individual nutrients are not our foe, but the form in which they come from and thus, their surplus is. These heavily processed foods and drinks promote weight gain and obesity throughout the world.  This leads to an increase our risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancers.

We can’t always avoid heavily processed foods, however having whole foods as a staple is the surest way to re-claim not only our waistline, but also our well-being. 

~ J. Lynn