Celebrate every day as if it were your birthday...

                                                  8.17.2015                                                      8.17.2016

Yesterday, I turned 31.  So much has changed in just one year -- there's been a lot of positive events as well as negative events.  I choose to count my blessings and not my trials.  The BIGGEST BLESSING EVER was when I found out I was pregnant back in April.  I am now 6 months pregnant & I can't wait to meet my little prince/princess!

I may be grown, but I'm still growing & learning more about life every single day that I wake up.  I'm grateful to know my Lord and Savior.  I appreciate everyone who has crossed my path and taught me a lesson, whether good or bad.  I love everyone from my past & everyone who's still here with me now. 

I want to make a POSITIVE IMPACT on this world.  I'm reaching for the STARS.  May God BLESS all of YOU who are by my side every step of the way.  Thanks for all the well wishes yesterday.  Each call, text and Facebook post meant the world to me.

I plan on making this year the best year of my life!  I hope YOU make the MOST of each day God wakes you up and BE HAPPY!  Life is SHORT - let's choose to make it SWEET!

~ J. Lynn