I Chose Myself Over Love

Life presents us with a lot of difficult choices and we are the choices we make.

So what happens when the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with wants completely different things out of it than you do?  Well, you have to make a choice .... to stay with the one you love or live the lifestyle you desire. Most people would probably say to pick the person you want to be with, because love conquers all. On the contrary, I believe faith conquers all.
At the end of '07, I fell in love with someone at first sight. I spent years (more than a decade to be exact) going back and forth with this person because of our differences. Our morals and values just didn't match up.  Our priorities in life were extremely opposite.  No matter how different we were, I still loved this person with every piece of my soul. Matter of fact, I still do. 
In the spring of 2016, I got pregnant. When I found out I was bringing a baby into this world, my priorities changed even more.  I was going to make sure that my lifestyle was not only the lifestyle I wanted, but one that was suitable for my son. I made a decision to choose us (my son & I) over the person I loved. If I were to have chosen the person I loved over the life that I wanted, my self-worth would slowly diminish and weaken over time. 
Listen here, being in love is an amazing and wonderful thing!  However, there should never be a toss-up between the person you love and the life that you want. Love shouldn’t have to be the largest compromise of your life. Some may say that love is about making sacrifices and you can’t have it all your way. This is true to a point. But you should be able to have what matters to you at the same time.
You should be able to be with somebody you love and also live a life that rejuvenates and inspires you. You should be able to seek what you want out of this world without the risk of losing the person you value most. You should be able to express how you feel without fear and be able to grow together while experiencing new things that interest you both.
To this day, I wake up every morning thinking about the person I walked away from. This person is also my last thought each evening when I lay down. You can love someone and not be with them. You can hold someone in your heart forever. Sometimes loving someone from a distance is what is best. Some days, I pray that our lifestyles will match up eventually. You cannot force someone to change their ways. You can't make someone get on the same page as you. So, what you need to do is choose YOURSELF before THE ONE YOU LOVE.  Love yourself most! Don't sign yourself up for a lifetime of difficult choices.
I chose to live the life I want.  I chose to put my desires first. Cutting the tie between this person and myself was the hardest decision of my life. In life, we must do hard things. We don't grow until we make the choices that are hardest to make. I am pursuing the life I have dreamed about. I have zero regrets. 
~ J. Lynn

Hustle No Matter What

I am going to give you some background info so ya'll understand how much this story means to me and how hard I worked for this goal I just recently achieved.

In the summer of 2003, I started college in Conway, South Carolina (just a few miles from the beach). Leaving Pittsburgh was something I knew I wanted to do when I was 17.  After a couple years of living on a college campus, I just couldn't do it any longer. I didn't like having roommates (especially not 3 other people).  I have been an introvert for my entire life.  Living with other females that were strangers just wasn't my jam.  I wanted to live on my own and I couldn't afford to do so.  There was no way that I was going to make it another 2 years of living with roommates so I packed up my bags and moved back to Pittsburgh. When I left SC, my sister said to me "I knew you wouldn't last long being away from home." I laughed. I was hurt, but I laughed it off. Just because things don't work out the way you plan sometimes doesn't mean you shouldn't try something different. You won't learn unless you take yourself outside of your comfort zone.

In 2005, I enrolled at La Roche and finished off my Bachelors degree while I lived at home in my parents' house.  While attending La Roche, I started hanging with the "wrong" crowd. I was in a couple toxic relationships that lasted way longer than they should have and I became depressed.  I lost myself for a long time. After college, I got my first job in downtown Pgh at an accounting firm. To say I disliked that job is an understatement. I only lasted 10 months so I threw up the deuces to that company. My family and friends thought I was nuts to take a 10K pay cut, but I knew my happiness was more important than money.

Sooo let's fast forward this a bit to where this story starts to get better. In 2007, I found a company close to home that I stuck with for 11 years.  When I started there, I worked in the accounting department. I never really liked accounting work, but it was all I knew how to do (so I thought).  Finally after several years of hard work and proving myself to this company, I decided to inquire about a position in the sales operations department.  Soon after I inquired, I started my new position that the company created for me as a "Sales Operations Specialist". I learned that role simply by trial and error.  I had support from peers and guidance from my boss, but no formal training.

In 2013, I was really focused on eating healthy and working out routinely.  I was trying my hardest to get rid of toxic habits and toxic relationships. Going to church also became a part of my routine. I wanted to work on my relationship with Jesus Christ. Reading personal development books and the Bible helped me mentally.  After working on own lifestyle, I felt passionate about wanting to help other women become their best self.  I found out about a nutrition course that was available online to become a Certified Health Coach. I mentioned it to my family and some friends. Most of the responses I received were similar to this "You already have a career and won't make any money being a health coach." I said F*** it.  I signed up and paid the tuition so that I could gain the knowledge I needed to help myself and help others, whether I made a living out of it or not. I also studied and became a Certified Personal Trainer. I was very proud of myself for receiving both of those certifications.  Did I make a career out of it? No.  Do I regret taking those courses? No.
Again, things don't always turn out how we hope or expect them to. However, I still use that knowledge to keep myself healthy. I still help others when they ask for it even though I am not profiting from it. Will I ever become a health coach? Maybe - I don't know exactly what the future has in store for me.

Towards the end of  2015, I began to feel complacent with my career.  I knew I wanted to get back to the South also so I started applying for jobs in the Carolinas all the way to Georgia.  As soon as I was receiving some callbacks, I found out I was pregnant in March of 2016. OOPS!! I also found out I was going to be a single mother.  So moving away was no longer an option.  I had to get through my pregnancy and learn how to be a mother before I could even think about moving or starting another job. Most people thought my life was over and that I would be stuck in Pgh until my son was at least 18. However, I knew that wasn't the case. I knew that God had good plans for me. I made a promise to myself that before my son turned 5 years old, we would move to the South. I wanted stability for him so I knew I didn't want to make him switch schools once he started Kindergarten.  I wasn't going to give up on my dream, but I needed to put his best interest first.

In 2018, things began to settle down.  My son was 1.5 years old. My job was still the same, and things were stagnant. I knew I needed to get out my company if  I wanted to advance and be motivated each day.  I decided to apply for jobs in Pgh (2 companies were located downtown).  I hated the city and the commute, but I knew they were good opportunities.  Within 2 days of sending in my resume, I received a call to come in for an interview. Within less than 2 weeks, I was offered a job as a Senior CRM Analyst. I didn't want to go back downtown for work, but I knew I needed this opportunity to grow.  I was able to negotiate two days a week at home.  BABY STEPS! Got to start somewhere to get where you want to go!  I accepted the offer and never looked back. This company paid for me to become a Certified Salesforce Administrator.  This company challenged me to overcome my fears and learn so much about not only sales operations but about myself.  I have learned to push myself out of my comfort zone and take risks.

In 2019, I figured I was ready to start searching for jobs again the South, but nothing was panning out. I was having phone interviews and flying to Charlotte NC for some interviews, but the money wasn't in my ballpark.  I needed the salary to match my worth.  I needed to be able to provide for my son and I without living paycheck to paycheck. I turned down a job offer in July 2019.  I was bent out of shape.  I was sad that I wasn't able to get out of PA even thought I was trying so hard.  I decided to pump the brakes on the job search. My son was still only 2.5 years old so I knew I still had 2.5 years to leave. I put my faith in God and stopped pushing so hard for a little while. Just when I did that, that is when things started to turn around in my favor.  In October of 2019, the company whose offer I had turned down (back in July) reached out to me.  They flew me out to NC and offered me the money I had asked for.  Lesson  I learned: don't settle & know your worth!  Keep hustling until someone recognizes your worth! When I went to resign from my company in Pgh, they ended up countering.  They said "we will let you work remote from wherever you wish and increase your salary." Well, that was a no brainer!  So, off to the beach I went in January 2020.

It may take longer than you plan to accomplish your dream, but if you don't stop hustling, you'll get there! It took me 15 years to get back to my place of serenity. Life is full of setbacks. Life is full of  failures and twists and turns. It doesn't matter that I was knocked down during the process. It doesn't matter that I heard words of negativity during it all.  It doesn't matter that I got pregnant. Others thought all that would stop me, but it NEVER did. I used all my trials and tribulations as MOTIVATION.  My son changed my life for the better. God turns every "bad" thing into something beautiful.  With pain, comes strength and determination.  I will always be a HUSTLER! I won't ever let anyone (parents, siblings, son's father, friends, exes) steal mys shine.

South Carolina is HOME because of my HUSTLE!!!

~ J. Lynn

My Mama is Fighting CLL

In the summer of 2010, my mama was diagnosed with CLL (Chronic Lyphocytic Leukemia).  CLL is a type of cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer progresses slowly so she has been able to manage it for the last 10 years without treatment. This past spring, her symptoms increased and she was hospitalized for a few days. She switched oncologists after being hospitalized and has been going to monthly for check-ups. In November, she started taking an oral chemotherapy treatment.  Shortly after taking a few doses of it, she had terrible side effects and immediately had to stop taking the pills.

Now, here we are in January 2020... today she begins intravenous chemotherapy treatment for the next six months. I am sitting on my couch in South Carolina, and she is currently in a bed at West Penn Hospital in Pennsylvania. All I can do for her no matter where I am is PRAY. I know that God knows my heart and my mama's heart.  I know that He is a WAY MAKER.  God will hold her hand on this journey and lead her each step of the way.

Loved ones and friends can only do so much.  Yes -- we can call her and encourage her.  Yes -- we can send a card or make a meal.... but that won't change what is. Even the doctors can't change what is. Medicine may help her symptoms, but truthfully only God can change her situation. Bad things happen to good people and bad people. God doesn't treat people differently like we do. Life is precious so we have to hold onto the good memories. We also have to pray during the good times and bad times. We need to thank God for our blessings each day and we also need to ask Him for help when we are struggling.

I'm going to ask all my prayer warriors to say ONE simple prayer for my mama.
"Give her comfort and strength during this battle. Remind her that she is loved."

My mama will be coming to visit me in eight days if she is feeling well enough to make the ten hour drive. I have faith that she WILL be here soon. When she gets here, we will make more memories together.  I will take her to the ocean whether it's rainy or sunny. The ocean is so healing to me. It is serenity.  I believe God created the ocean to make us feel at peace no matter what the circumstances are.

Well, that is all for now ... I am signing off to go spend this Monday with my son (my biggest blessing)! I pray ya'll have faith like I do. Make today count!

~ J. Lynn

For the first time in my life, I'm living...

I feel like for the first time in my life, I’m living. I literally can’t express how present I feel. I don’t have one worry in the world. Why is it that I am 34 years old and just now my dream has come true? Answer to that is God’s timing is the best timing!
It’s day 18 in South Carolina and I feel more “at home” than I have ever felt in my life. The funny thing is, I don’t even have a home here yet. Dante and I are temporarily staying at my parents’ house as we are searching for our new home. We have been house hunting on the weekends with my dear friend, Lindsie, who happens to be a realtor. Searching for your home with a friend is so much fun by the way!
Dante has been in his new preschool for two full weeks now. The first week was really tough, but he was so brave! I had to reassure him each day that I would be there to pick him up around 4:30pm. I gave him big hugs and told him that each day would get a little easier (sure enough, the days did!). He is enjoying the new atmosphere and being able to go outside every day for play time. I am so very proud of him.
Dante misses his dad, nana and pap the most. He talks to each of them every single day. He talks to his dad in the morning, after school and before bed. Thank goodness for FaceTime! I know it isn’t easy on him being away from his dad, but he is so happy here. He lets him know that he misses him and loves him dearly, but the beach is our home now. It took a long time for them to have this amazing bond and I thank God every day for that. I truly believe that Dante knows who puts in the effort and who doesn’t. He knows that his dad loves him with everything in him. However, he also knows that I will never fail him. He knows that I’m the one who would cross an ocean to give him whatever he needed with no questions asked. I pray often that his dad comes to our new home so that he can experience for himself how happy our son is.
I miss my friends, but I don’t miss being in Pittsburgh at all. I never really saw my friends that often for it to matter where I live. Everyone has their own life. Everyone has a family or a career or a relationship that they put first. Friendship is different as an adult than it is when you’re in school. Friends don’t see each other routinely as an adult.
I left Pittsburgh because I wanted to put my family (my son and I) first. I want us to wake up happy every day (and we have since January 1). We have no toxic relationships here or negative energy. We are each other’s main focus. My son is my best friend. He’s my purpose for living. He’s the sole reason I’m still alive.
Y’all, please live your best life NOW! Life is too short not to. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from making choices that you want to make. I’m so thankful that I didn’t listen to all the voices telling me not to move to South Carolina. I followed my intuition like I always do. God won’t steer you wrong!

~ J. Lynn