For the first time in my life, I'm living...

I feel like for the first time in my life, I’m living. I literally can’t express how present I feel. I don’t have one worry in the world. Why is it that I am 34 years old and just now my dream has come true? Answer to that is God’s timing is the best timing!
It’s day 18 in South Carolina and I feel more “at home” than I have ever felt in my life. The funny thing is, I don’t even have a home here yet. Dante and I are temporarily staying at my parents’ house as we are searching for our new home. We have been house hunting on the weekends with my dear friend, Lindsie, who happens to be a realtor. Searching for your home with a friend is so much fun by the way!
Dante has been in his new preschool for two full weeks now. The first week was really tough, but he was so brave! I had to reassure him each day that I would be there to pick him up around 4:30pm. I gave him big hugs and told him that each day would get a little easier (sure enough, the days did!). He is enjoying the new atmosphere and being able to go outside every day for play time. I am so very proud of him.
Dante misses his dad, nana and pap the most. He talks to each of them every single day. He talks to his dad in the morning, after school and before bed. Thank goodness for FaceTime! I know it isn’t easy on him being away from his dad, but he is so happy here. He lets him know that he misses him and loves him dearly, but the beach is our home now. It took a long time for them to have this amazing bond and I thank God every day for that. I truly believe that Dante knows who puts in the effort and who doesn’t. He knows that his dad loves him with everything in him. However, he also knows that I will never fail him. He knows that I’m the one who would cross an ocean to give him whatever he needed with no questions asked. I pray often that his dad comes to our new home so that he can experience for himself how happy our son is.
I miss my friends, but I don’t miss being in Pittsburgh at all. I never really saw my friends that often for it to matter where I live. Everyone has their own life. Everyone has a family or a career or a relationship that they put first. Friendship is different as an adult than it is when you’re in school. Friends don’t see each other routinely as an adult.
I left Pittsburgh because I wanted to put my family (my son and I) first. I want us to wake up happy every day (and we have since January 1). We have no toxic relationships here or negative energy. We are each other’s main focus. My son is my best friend. He’s my purpose for living. He’s the sole reason I’m still alive.
Y’all, please live your best life NOW! Life is too short not to. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from making choices that you want to make. I’m so thankful that I didn’t listen to all the voices telling me not to move to South Carolina. I followed my intuition like I always do. God won’t steer you wrong!

~ J. Lynn