How a Positive Self-Image Could Improve Your Health

Are you upset that you don’t have abs like Shakira? Or the butt of Jennifer Lopez? Even if you don’t compare yourself to Hollywood stars, have you ever struggled with accepting your stretch marks, loose skin, or your overall shape? Let’s be honest, there undoubtedly isn’t a person on the planet who doesn’t have a feature they would like to improve.

Nonetheless, concentrating on what you don’t like about your body leads nowhere, quickly. Not only does a negative self-image get you unhappy, it can also be a strain on your health. Women with higher levels of body shame also tend to have more infections. So the next time you want to criticize your arms or your lack of a six-pack, cut yourself some slack.

Those who practice self-compassion exercises feel less body shame and more body gratification. If you’re in the course of getting fit, remember, it’s a journey and not a destination. Getting discouraged with yourself along the way isn’t going to help the progression. In reality, it might slow it down.