The Importance of “Me Time”

Oh, what we wouldn’t do for an hour during the day for some “me time.” However making yourself the highest priority is hard when you have a seemingly unending to-do list of family, friends and work responsibilities.

Taking care of ourselves is an essential part of living a full life.

When you treat yourself well, it will filter down to everything else in life—your significant other, children, coworkers etc. Whether it is sitting outside to read a book for an hour, treating yourself to a pedicure, or trying that hot yoga class, here are 8 tips to sculpt out some time for yourself!

Myself when I scheduled 30 minutes to read a book.

Schedule it
Pencil it into your calendar just like you would for any other important event. It may seem trivial, but this is how you will be able to remind yourself, and hold yourself liable, to giving yourself some alone time.

Make it count
While it may be tempting to spend your free time running errands or cleaning your house, commit to spending the time to pamper yourself. Start a new book, or enjoy a cup of coffee on your porch. You don’t have to spend a lot of time, but it has to be for yourself.

Find tasks that you can delegate
Some things are just easier for you to do yourself, but find other tasks that you can ask others to help you with. Lessen the load when you can—it will make a huge difference!

Give me 10
Even if ten minutes is all you can gather, take it! Spend that 10 minutes breathing deeply, going for a walk outside, or just praying. That can be all it takes to recharge for the rest of the day.

Say no, kindly
It is great to help out your friends and family when they ask. But if the favors they ask begin to cut into your ‘me time,’ it is okay to create a barrier. Tell them that you are glad to help, but you will need 20 minutes (or whatever amount of time) before you can do it.

Get up Earlier
Try it for a week straight, and then decide if it is for you. Set your alarm for 15 minutes before you would normally wake up. Use that time to be quiet, write in a journal, or read the bible.

Use your shower time
Taking a shower may be your only alone time during the day. Take advantage of it! Purchase some aroma therapy products that you love and treat each shower like it is a spa retreat.

Remember why it is important

Taking care of yourself can leave you feeling guilty; you aren’t spending time with your family or doing work. Keep in mind that making time for you is vital for keeping yourself healthy, and that means a happier family and more productive work life.

~ J. Lynn