Realizing Real Love Through A Special Necklace

When I received this necklace today in the mail, I realized it symbolized much more than the name of my son.  It was bought for me by someone special, someone who has loved me since day one, and I am finally recognizing what real love is.  Real love is rare, but it does exist.  Pay attention!

In November of 2007, I met a man briefly through a mutual friend that we had.  I thought he seemed nice, but also thought I'd never see him again after our first encounter.  Well, I was COMPLETELY wrong.  We ended up becoming good friends and not much later, I fell in love with him.  After years of trying to maintain a relationship with him, I realized that it couldn't work between us because we were on totally different paths in life.  We had numerous trials and tribulations for about five years.  He wasn't ready for a commitment and that's what I needed and wanted.  I fought as long and hard as I could until one day I had no choice but to give up.  I made a decision to cut off all ties with him because I had to focus on moving on.

After that relationship ended, I became very involved in church and was working on building a stronger relationship with God.  I got baptized in February of 2014.  I needed to find myself and create a life full of passion and purpose.  I spent a lot of time exercising, practicing photography and spending time with my girlfriends.  For about three years, I was 100% single and was content with being alone.  I found happiness in myself and realized someone else couldn't determine my joy.

In July of 2015, I reconnected with someone special from my past.  We started dating shortly after running into each other when we were both out one evening.  Fast forward to March of 2016, we got pregnant, and he chose to leave me.  (This piece is basically irrelevant for this blog post.)  Anyways,  I am now 33 weeks along in my pregnancy, and I wouldn't have made it this far without all the wonderful support from my friends.  Even more so, I wouldn't have made it without this man whom I met back in November of 2007.  Let me just say this ...."Everything Happens For A Reason!" is not just an old phrase -- it's the absolute TRUTH!

After about three years of not communicating or seeing this friend of mine, he comes back into my life when I'm pregnant and depressed.  Since the day I called him (about 2 weeks after I took the pregnancy test) to tell him this life-changing news, he has never left my side.  I don't see him every day, but just getting a "good morning" or "how are you feeling?" text almost every day has comforted me so much during this difficult time.  Often, I feel alone and when I see his call/text come through, I know God is watching over me every step on the way.  The days I do get to spend time with him are the days I feel most at peace.  To know that someone you once loved with your entire heart and soul is there for you when you least expected it opens your eyes to realize what true love is.  I shouldn't even say "once loved" because I will always love him - just in a different way.  Our bond is so strong and that is why we can still remain friends after all the difficult times we experienced when we tried to be a couple.  I have learned that forgiveness is the only way to find peace.  Forgiveness sets you free and helps you to grow.  No one is perfect and everyone will always disappoint us at some point in our lives.  You just have to notice who is worth the tears and who isn't.

I could never thank this man enough for all he has done for me throughout my pregnancy.  From asking if I needed accompanied to a doctor's appointment, sitting with me for several hours at the hospital for testing and taking me out to eat when I'm craving something serious.  Oh, and I can't forget to mention the day he walked into the maternity store at the mall with me!  To some people, these things may seem minor or insignificant.  However, to me, it means the world.  Simple acts of kindness are what count the most.

I decided to share this because I know that we all experience tribulations in life, and I never want to see anyone lose hope.  I wish that wherever you are in your life, someone is there to remain by your side and cheer you on.  Often, we break ourselves down during the bad times when someone is there to tell you that everything will be okay, it makes a big difference in our mindset.  Never lose faith and always remember that someone loves you (possibly even the person you thought didn't).

Blessings & Happiness to All!

~ J. Lynn