6 Months with Dante Kai

A little over 6 months ago, the most precious and sweetest human being entered my life.  Ever since 10:44 AM on December 18th, 2016 - my life got flipped RIGHT SIDE UP!  God completely transformed my world when he brought this beautiful boy into it.  I used to blog constantly, but now not so much because I dedicate most of my free time to my son.  However, when I have amazing thoughts like I am having today - I set the time aside to share them with my followers (if I still have any left, haha).  I've always been a spiritual person & always knew God was in control.  After being abandoned and having my son without his father around, I chose to LET GO & LET GOD. People are always asking me if it's hard raising Dante Kai on my own.  The truth is, I am not alone though.  First and foremost, I have God. Secondly, I have a village of amazing people always helping out and cheering me on.  If it weren't for Dante, I wouldn't have met these people who I cherish so much.  For example, my doula is now a huge part of our lives, and I'm grateful beyond words for her.  Plus, a few of the friends I already had showed me so much love when I needed it most and didn't even expect to receive it.  Things happen for a reason - whether you choose to believe that or not.  I am telling you from experience.  A year ago, I thought my life was ending.  Fast forward to today, my life is only beginning.  

My son is a BLESSING, a MIRACLE, a SANCTIFICATION!  He has not only changed my life, he has changed the people around us.  He has opened others' eyes and hearts to see things they didn't see before him.  I get to spend more time with my friends because of him.  Everyone reaches out to me because they miss his face on the daily.  So regardless of the fact that his father doesn't want much to do with him, life is GREAT.  I am making the most of life now. Dante and I are constantly making new memories each and every day.  Dante has a heart of gold, the most contagious smile and a laugh that I can't get enough of.  When I wake up to his beautiful face each morning, I instantly thank our God.  I don't even question anything from my past because I know this is where I am supposed to be.  I have made many mistakes, but I must have done something right because God blessed me with this amazing human.  I will live each remaining day of my life in awe of this miracle.  I will cherish and love my son unconditionally.  He will grow up to know how much love was always surrounding him. Also, he will learn from me to have a solid foundation and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Well, enough of the sappy stuff -- Dante is sitting up on his own, almost crawling and eating all the fruits and veggies I give him.  He is babbling a ton, and his first word was "Dada".  I'm impatiently waiting for him to say "Mama".😍  He has been swimming this summer and is absolutely loving it.  He is going to be an ocean child just like his mama!  I am teaching him how to have fun and laugh as much as possible.  He has so much personality at a such a young age. Everywhere I take him, people admire him and tell me how blessed I am (even though I am aware).  He is going to be one of the kids that fits in anywhere.  He is going to be kind, loyal and smart (darn it, he already is!).  I swear he takes more care of me & he doesn't even realize it yet.  He made the broken beautiful.💙

To all of my fellow mamas out there - be sure to take a moment each day and tell your child(ren) how much you love them.  It may seem so simple, but I think it's important for them to hear it no matter what age they are.  Being reminded that you are loved never gets old (not for any of us)!

Cheers to December 18th, 2016 - the best day of my life for so many reasons!

~ J. Lynn

Getting Domesticated for Dante

I never thought I'd spend hours in the kitchen, but it's enjoyable when I know I'm benefiting my son, Dante!  Meal prep Sundays are only going to get crazier (for a short time frame).

Here's why I prefer homemade baby food:

  • I know exactly what my son is eating.  
  • It’s more economical than buying pre-packaged foods.
  • I can choose my own fruits, vegetables, and other foods for purees, instead of relying on the flavors chosen by manufacturers. I would never be able to find avocados or barley in the baby food section of the supermarket.
  • It gets my son used to eating the same food as the rest of the family -- just in puree form.
  • I can customize my purees to the exact consistency my baby needs and instead of thinning the purees with water, I can use formula for added nutrition.
  • Oh, and it tastes better too!

The 2 disadvantages to making your own baby food:
  • Prepackaged baby foods come in measured amounts and ready to serve.
  • It takes time to make and prepare lots of little servings of homemade baby food.  It’s much faster to pick up prepackaged servings.
PS: You don't need expensive equipment either.  Most purees are made by either steaming or baking fruits and vegetables, then pureeing them. So basically, you need a pot, steamer basket, and something to do the pureeing—a food processor, or blender. 

Tricks & Tips: 

When you're first starting out, you’ll want to feed your baby single-food purees, but after you’ve introduced several fruits and veggies, you can start mixing and matching them. Personally, I make batches of single-food purees and then combine them before serving.

I try to stick to in-season local produce, but I also use frozen produce too if needed. I steam it until it’s heated through and soft, then puree it like any other produce.


I freeze all of the purees I make because they don’t last more than 2-3 days in the fridge.  You can use a regular ice cube tray, or get a silicone one.  Once the purees are frozen solid, I pop them out and put them in a freezer bag labeled with the puree name and the date it was made. Frozen purees will last in the freezer for 2-3 months. 


Frozen purees can be heated on the stove or in the microwave, but my favorite method is not heating them at all, but thawing instead. I transfer the cubes to a small glass baby food container and pop it in the fridge until the puree has thawed.  If the puree is something best served warm, like sweet potatoes, I put hot water in a bigger bowl, then place the smaller bowl with the puree inside the big bowl and gently warm it up.

~ J. Lynn

Just HUSH ... It's That Simple!

Learn to keep your mouth shut. Seriously, it’s NOT that hard.  It doesn’t matter how trivial you think the story is, don’t share it.  If it's not your story to tell, don't freakin' tell it.  I’ve always made it a point to respect other people’s wishes.  If someone hasn't revealed something, there's obviously a reason for it.  If you claim to be their friend, you especially shouldn't be gossiping about them to others.

People gossip constantly.  People are insecure, so they talk about other people so that they won’t be talked about. They point out the negatives in other people's lives to make them feel better about their own life.  Gossip is not only a bad habit, it is also an arrogant sin.  Some feel powerful if they have information to divulge about another person.  Do not encourage gossip and rumors. If you cannot avoid hearing, you don’t have to repeat.

We live in a world where we want to be the first to know, the first to share, and first to break the news. We thrive on spreading shocking news, and have little regard for those it could affect, but it’s NOT your story to tell.

Even though I enjoy blogging, I'm a pretty private person.  I don't share every detail of my life on here.  I only share what I believe can help others.  I blog about things after I've dealt with them on my own.  I blog to clear my mind.  I certainly don't blog so that people will pity me.  I'm cautious about what I post because I know how people are these days.  People are always sharing your story for you - good or bad.  Even when I was pregnant, I waited 20 weeks before sharing that news.  The moment I did, it was like a wildfire.  Your good news should be yours to spread and feel excited about.  Others always want to rain on your parade. Your bad news should not be gossiped about either, but it happens anyways.  No one can understand your emotions, but YOU.  

Unless you have walked in my shoes or the person's shoes you are talking about, don't say you understand & don't say you spread their news out of concern.  That is just that BULLSHIT.  Yes, I am calling your BLUFF.

Comfort & Privacy to All ....

~ J. Lynn

Life Is A Box of Chocolates...

"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." - Forrest Gump

My life is certainly like a box of chocolates -- I never thought I'd get what I got, but I wouldn't change a thing!  With getting pregnant unexpectedly and being a single mom from day one, my life has been a whirlwind.  I have always been a goal digger and a planner.  I've learned that you can't plan everything, but you can always accomplish your goals as long as you give the effort.  

Don't let anyone keep you from being YOU.  Don't let anyone make you feel inferior.  Don't let anyone make you feel bad about your shortcomings or unplanned life events.  I've been judged most of my life.  I've been teased about my weight.  I've been gossiped about for dating another race.  I've been labeled for having premarital sex.  The list goes on and on.  Not only have strangers passed judgment on me, but so has my family.  It's a cruel world out there, but you have to remember to focus on God and all things positive.  

We can't worry about what may or may not happen.  We can only focus on what we have control over.  You have to let Jesus take the wheel.  You have to strive to achieve the goals necessary to get where you want in life.  You can't let anyone or anything get in the way of your destiny.  Have faith and you will end up seeing what you were once only believing. 

Others may view me as a "f***-up", a "slut", a "fat girl", a "skinny girl", "big sinner", etc. BUT what matters is how I view myself.  I am NOT a f***-up,  I am NOT too fat or too skinny.  I am NOT a slut.  I AM a sinner, but hey - we all are -- we're HUMAN.

No matter what trials and tribulations I go through, I always come out on top.  I continue to strive through the shitty days and disappointments.  I stay focused on God's word.  I keep my mind filled with positive thoughts, and I chase my damn goals like every woman should!  While I was on maternity leave, I had three goals that I wanted to accomplish -- (1) live in the present moment with my son (2) become a certified personal trainer (3) lose the majority of my pregnancy weight gain.  Well guess what?  I DID ALL THAT!

I used to be a naive girl who believed that I needed others to validate my worth.  Now, I know MUCH better.  I refuse to let anyone tell me who I am.  I ignore the nay-sayers and the haters.  I chase my dreams regardless of the cards I get dealt.  Things may take longer than expected, but everything always comes together in the end.  So, this blog post is to INSPIRE & MOTIVATE every woman out there who needs to be lifted up and reminded that they are worthy of their dreams. It doesn't matter what kind of chocolate you get, it all turns out to be AMAZING!

~ J. Lynn

Stop Being Bitter & Start Being Better

We have all experienced hurt and pain in our relationships. Some are more painful than others. Sometimes the experience is so painful, it feels like it takes forever to heal, especially when a child is involved too. However, holding a grudge hurts you and your child. It's time to let your anger and frustration go, and begin to forgive. You have to focus on the gift in your situation. 

In my own personal experience, I was deserted by my significant other and my family wasn't happy at all when I told them I was pregnant almost a year ago. My significant other didn't want another child, but he was getting one anyways because abortion wasn't an option for me. My parents didn't want a bi-racial grandchild or a fatherless grandchild, but they were going to get both. The hurt that came over me was indescribable. Nonetheless, I chose to focus on my blessing (my son) and live a positive life through all the tribulations.

Here are your action steps:
1. Recognize the problem.
Why are you persisting to hold a grudge? Allow yourself to see the real issue. Then you can then make a choice to move forward from there.

2. Share your feelings.
A grudge can form when an issue isn’t fully confronted, and stand in the way of any forward growth. Without being judgmental about yourself or another, explain your feelings on the situation. Decide if this is something you will work on yourself, with a therapist, and/or by having a conversation with the other person. Whether you work it out on your own or not, you will feel better by working through it, because processing a situation releases the stress that's built up.

3. Take their perspective.
Put yourself in their shoes. Taking their perspective can give you a better understanding of their point of view and behavior. Maybe they are also in pain or frustrated with the situation. Different people handle situations differently. Now, this doesn’t justify any bad behavior or negativity, but it can help you understand it. The more you understand the other person and their behavior, the easier it is not to let go of a grudge. 

4. Accept what is.
"It is what it is." You can choose to create your own healing, with or without any acknowledgement or apology. Don’t wait for another to come to their senses and apologize -- you may wait for years! 

5. Don’t dwell on it.
Once you have decided to move on, keep on moving. Don’t put too much thought into the situation or continuously discuss it. It will only make things worse and harder to get over. If someone brings the issue up in conversation, change the subject and tell them it's in the past.

6. Own the situation.
If you take the position that it's all on you, then you own 100% of the responsibility. The person who does that is not a victim, but a victor!

7. Let it go.
Work on letting it go so you don't have any negative energy on the situation at all, and that's when it starts to get good. You'll feel so much relief.

8. Forgive.
Of course forgiving doesn’t mean you will forget what's happened, but it’s the only way to truly let go and have peace.

9. Get positive and be grateful.
There are positive aspects even in the most negative of situations. God turns every bad circumstance into something good.
Here's my story of how and why I chose to become better instead of bitter. I chose to be in a relationship with my son's father. He knew I wanted a child, and I knew he didn't. Nonetheless, we weren't cautious about having sex. He may be the biggest bastard on Earth (or at least a competitor) but you know what? I fell in love with him and had his child. I shared my feelings with him when I took a pregnancy test and it turned out positive. He decided to not care about how I felt and completely walked away from the situation. After that day, I thought about his perspective and decided to accept his choice. I knew I couldn't change how he felt. Then, I had to tell my family that I was going to be a single mother of a bi-racial baby. My family wasn't happy with me. They thought that I should have been more aware of who I was involved with. They didn't understand why I was having sex when I wasn't married. Basically, they told me my life was over and that they would never forgive me for ruining their lives. After all of that, I chose to distance myself from the negativity until they either disowned me or decided to accept what was happening. Thankfully, by the Grace of God, my family came around. My family loves my son more than anything in this world. My son's father still hasn't come around, but I'm totally content because my son receives enough love from me and others.

I'm BETTER not BITTER ..... You can be too!

~ J. Lynn

Enjoy a Hearty Breakfast

By eating a hearty breakfast, you’ll give your metabolism a jump start and be in better control of your cravings. When we miss our first fuel of the day, we are often hungry by mid-morning and more likely to engage in mindless nibbling, snacking, overeating, and over compensating for any calories “saved” by skipping breakfast. But if you’re not ready for breakfast early in the morning, listen to your body and eat when you feel it’s best for you.

If I don’t have breakfast, I’m useless for the majority of the day.

However, I don’t have much time in the morning. As a result, I’ve learned to make quick, easy breakfasts, like scrambled eggs, overnight oats, and chia pudding.

Chia pudding might sound like a snack or dessert, but chia pudding is actually perfect for a fast, healthy breakfast. Chia pudding is simple to make amd requires no cooking. One ounce of chia seeds contains 4 grams of protein, 11 grams of fiber, and a ton of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to help prevent heart disease.

To get the best consistency, you need the correct ratio of chia seeds to liquid. Too many and you’ll end up with solid chunk of chia seeds; too few: chia soup. Once you combine the chia seeds with liquid, you’ll need to let the mixture rest in the refrigerator for at least four hours before enjoying. To serve, top with your favorite fruits, nuts, or seasonings.

~ J. Lynn

Food Matters

When hunger strikes, if there’s not something healthy within reach, or ingredients that I can turn into a meal in minutes, I’m far more likely to devour peanut butter with a spoon or order a Primanti's sandwich. On the flip side, when I’ve stocked and prepped a good supply of healthy foods and — this is ESSENTIAL — wrote up a menu plan for the week, I can walk right past those temptations. When I'm prepared, I can heat up some grilled chicken to top off a salad or grab an apple from my counter.

Planning what to what to eat and making simple preparations ahead of time allows me to eat healthy all week and enjoy a home-cooked meal even when I'm busy studying at night. Here are some TIPS to help you learn how to MEAL PREP like a PRO.


You can eat healthy every day without having a cooking marathon. I plan a week of meals at a time, checking my calendar to figure out which days will allow enough time to actually cook, and which days I'm going to be rushed. I make a menu of the meals I want for the week. To this, I add healthy snacks, including fruits and vegetables. Then, I create a shopping list from my menu.

Shop & Prep:

Once you have your meal plan, and have returned from the store, it’s time to begin washing, chopping, cooking some ingredients, and properly storing foods to keep them fresh until you’re ready to eat them.


Chicken, beef, pork, and fish all freeze well, and can be divided into individual portions and frozen for future use. If you can, splurge for organic meat and poultry.

I keep individually wrapped uncooked, boneless chicken breasts in the freezer so they’re ready to go when I want them. They can be diced and tossed in a stir-fry; wrapped in foil with fresh herbs, lemon, and olive oil and baked; or grilled and shredded for chicken salad, to name just a few options. 

Fish is a natural for the freezer. Choose firm fish, like wild-caught salmon, tuna, herring, or mackerel. The good news is, these can go straight from the freezer to the oven or the grill (just add a few minutes to the cooking time in your recipe).

Eggs are an excellent source of protein and can be quickly cooked in many recipes, so it’s always good to have some in the fridge, where they stay fresh for 3-5 weeks. Hard-boiled eggs add protein to salads and are a quick, easy snack.

Whole Grains & Pasta:

Whole grain pasta, brown rice, barley, quinoa, and farro are all pantry staples that can help you pull unrelated ingredients into a unified dish, with no prior planning. Cook a large batch of rice or quinoa up and keep it in the fridge for future meals. 

Fruits & Vegetables:

It’s important to keep your kitchen stocked with fruits and vegetables. When you get your groceries home, thoroughly clean your sink, then fill it with water and drop the vegetables in. Scrub sturdy vegetables with a soft brush, then set them to dry on clean towels. Pre-chop veggies like carrots, bell peppers, onions, and store them in the fridge so they’re ready to sauté or add to salads.

Keep a variety of fruits on hand for healthy snacks and to use in breakfasts and salads. I eat more fruit if I keep it in plain sight, washed and ready to eat in a bowl on the table. 

Dressings & Marinades:

Don’t bring bottled dressings into your kitchen. They’re full of sugar, unhealthy oil, and preservatives. You can make your own in minutes. 

Soups & Sauces:

If you’re going to make soup or sauce, why just make a little? Make a double batch, then freeze single portions. Avoid freezing dairy-based sauces as the dairy can become grainy when thawed.

Planning and pre-prepping may feel like a lot of work at first, but with practice it gets more intuitive and even fun to figure out combinations that can mix and match for a week of good eating.

~ J. Lynn

First Month as a First Time Mama

BOOM, I’ve somehow survived this first month of motherhood! After an extremely painful labor, spending three stressful days in the NICU, and countless tears ... Dante & I finally got settled at home. I could write an entire book of what I’ve experienced in the last month but you’d probably read a few paragraphs and get bored so I thought I'd just discuss the highlights with you.

When Dante was born, I thought his father would show up at the hospital, but he didn't. I also thought I would get to hold my son all night long and watch him fall asleep, but instead he was transferred to the NICU at a different hospital from where he was delivered. Since I only spent about a hour with him after he was born, I didn't get much skin to skin contact with him. 

The following day I asked to be discharged so I could go visit my son. However, when I showed up at the NICU, I was only allowed to visit for about a hour and wasn't able to breastfeed him. The first time I really tried to nurse him was on day three of his life. He latched on well, but I was only getting some colostrum. The nurses encouraged me to pump every 2 hours to increase milk production. I tried unenthusiastically a couple of times after a nurse showed me how to use the electric pump and stood there waiting for me to give it a go. I didn’t continue to pump because I was exhausted and in so much pain. It was only when I left the hospital and in the privacy of my own home, I finally pumped for the first time for real. And just as I feared, nothing came out. Well, I shouldn’t say nothing — a very little amount of milk came out. I continued pumping about seven times a day — getting only the tiniest amount of breast milk. I dreaded the end of a pumping session as much as I counted the seconds until its arrival because it was at the end that my insufficiency was always confirmed. I usually got only half an ounce. A newborn baby drinks an average of 24 ounces of milk each day and here I was producing only a small fraction of that. About a week and a half later, Dante's pediatrician gave me the contact information for a breastfeeding center. I decided to make an appointment with a lactation consultant. During the appointment, I discovered that I had a lot of strikes against me and most likely, I wouldn't ever produce much more milk. I was told to take Fenugreek supplements every day, three times a day and to do breast compressions. I tried those recommendations for another week and when the benefit stopped feeling worth the sacrifice, I quit. There was a limit to what I could withstand emotionally and physically. It’s an unbelievably lonely feeling to not be able to breastfeed your baby if you wish you could. However, slowly but surely, the shame of being inadequate has subsided and now I am experiencing relief. I’m relieved that I have the time and emotional reserve to enjoy my baby in a way I couldn’t before. I’m relieved that I never have to worry about suffering the consequences of engorged breasts. I’m relieved that after nearly a year of growing a baby, my body is mine again. I can drink and eat whatever I want without fretting. But what I’m most relieved about is that the love between my baby and me has not been compromised by the way I feed him.

Postpartum isn't easy nor sexy! I developed a varicose vein on my vagina about seven weeks before I delivered, and I still have it. It hurts like hell along with these hemorrhoids I got from pushing for three hours. I sat on a doughnut for about a week and had no shame! I bled like a red river for the first week and had to change my diaper almost every time I changed Dante's. I had to make a trip to my OBGYN within the first two weeks. The only good thing about that visit was my doctor telling me how nice and flat my stomach looked for only being 10 days postpartum and how much my partner should love me. When I told him that I didn't have a partner, he said "well, that's his loss!" HAHA! My tummy may be flat, but the fact that I can't exercise is driving me crazy. I have to wait two more weeks, and I don't know if I really will. My clothes fit pretty well, but I have so much loose skin that needs toned. My baby boy weighs 10 pounds now, but when I lift him, it seems like 100 pounds because I'm so weak.

It's true what they say about first time mothers worrying about every little thing. We've already made three trips to Dante's pediatrician in just four short weeks. All of his doctor's appointments turned out well, despite the fact that I thought every symptom he had was fatal. I stayed awake for the first few nights staring at him and checking his temperature every couple hours. I was paranoid that the love of my life was not feeling well. He's been constipated and had a clogged tear duct, but those issues are minor. All I can do is try to remain calm and trust that God will take care of him. I laugh at the things I worried about after the fact. God is good, and Dante will be just fine. He's the happiest baby I've ever seen. He smiles about ninety percent of the time. He is already laughing and staring into my eyes to let me know that he is alright. The day I stopped nursing him, he put his arm around my waist for the first time and gave me a hug. My child is healthier and smarter than I even want to believe.

If you need help, ask for it. Our first few weeks at home, I had my mama stay the night because I genuinely had no idea what I was doing and was totally exhausted from the pain and sleepless nights. I'll be honest - it’s extremely difficult to do by yourself. I had no clue how time consuming babies were and how the simplest of things like going for a shower, having a cup of coffee or writing a blog post were going to become monumental accomplishments! Whether it’s your husband, family member or friend — let them help you so that you can remain sane.

Babies grow so quickly! Don't buy more than a few newborn outfits. Dante was so long that he wasn't able to fit into newborn clothes after a week or so. My opinion is you can’t have too many sleepers and sleep sacs. He has so many cute outfits, but he hasn’t wore hardly any of them mainly because we don't go out much and I just want him to be comfortable.

I have one last piece of advice from the biggest lesson I've learned. Sleep when your baby is sleeping. I know this is well-known piece of advice but it’s true. There is nothing worse than dealing with a fussy baby while struggling to keep your eyes open. I have trouble sleeping during the daylight so if I can't fall asleep, I at least rest on the couch. Take every chance you get to relax. I'm so thankful that I decided to take 12 weeks of maternity leave because the time is already flying by. 

Being a MAMA is AMAZING!

~ J. Lynn

Natural Child Birth is the Best Workout

Several months before my due date, I decided that I wanted to have a natural child birth. Most of my girlfriends told me that I was crazy and said that I would change my mind when I went into labor. My due date was December 11th of 2016. That day came and past, and I was still pregnant. I continued to work full-time and while I was at work on December 16th, I started to have mild cramping and then contractions. The contractions were manageable so I stayed at work until 5 pm. When I left work, I decided to go home and pack a bag so that I could stay at my girlfriend's house for the night. Around 7 pm, my contractions started to become consistent and were 5 minutes apart. We were baking Christmas cookies and watching Kevin Hart's "Let Me Explain" to keep myself distracted from the pain. I decided to call my doctor around 9 pm, and he said not to come in until they were 3 minutes apart. At 2 am on December 17th, there was an ice storm coming so my doctor said I could go to the hospital and he would see how far I was dilated. When my girlfriend and I got there, we found out that I was only 1.5 cm dilated, and they discharged me a few hours later. I went back to my girlfriend's house and my contractions continued to occur but about every 10 minutes. I tried to sleep but couldn't so I drove myself to parents' house around 2 pm and just laid around. Around 1 am on December 18th (one week past my due date), the contractions got increasingly worse and I could barely talk or walk. I called my doctor immediately, and he said to come on in again! When I arrived at the hospital, I was almost 5 cm dilated. My doula and my girlfriend showed up about 30 minutes later to be my support people during my labor and delivery. I was determined to make it through without an epidural or any drugs. I didn't want my water to be broken either. I knew that I wanted everything to occur naturally on God's time. My pregnancy wasn't planned and nothing turned out as I expected. If God got me through the 10 months I carried my son as a single woman, then He could surely get me through the delivery process. I prayed about my labor for months and it turned out exactly as I had planned. I breathed through each contraction. I used a rice bag, lavender essential oil, a peanut ball and massage to help with the pain. I held the hands of two amazing women until close to the end when I chose to grip the bed rail with every muscle I had. I pushed for 3 hours to get my beautiful baby boy out. I never screamed and I only cried during the last hour when my body started to shut down from exhaustion. I prayed to God to get my son out safely and He did! When I saw my baby boy and held him in my arms, I knew my life was never going to be the same. I was completely in love and at that moment, I knew I made all the right decisions and had ZERO regrets. My body was so much stronger than I thought. My mind was so much stronger than I had realized. When you are committed to something/someone, anything is possible. You just have to stay focused and follow the plan your heart desires. Every time I exercise, I feel amazing afterwards. However, the exercise during natural child birth gives you the greatest reward ever - a beautiful living soul!

~ J. Lynn