The Politics of Body Hate...


The politics of body hate… 
"A culture fixated on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty; it is an obsession about female obedience. {Weight stigma} is the most potent political sedative in women’s history; a quietly {shameful} population is a tractable one." - Naomi Wolf
We live in a dangerous world. The odds for obese children to be bullied is 63% higher than for a "normal" weight child.
There are so many prejudices about body weight and many believe that being thin is ideal.
This increases stress and the likelihood of using food.
Bullying is trauma; it also further reinforces the shame paradigm ("I am bad").
You can lead where you haven't been…
How do you feel about your own body?
Do you make body disparaging comments about yourself?
Have you gained or lost significant amounts of weight or had an eating disorder?
When I was younger, I was always overweight and would get teased from fellow classmates. I also had bad acne during high school and college. That was another thing that had me depressed and self-conscious. Now, I'm pregnant and I have just some minor hormonal breaks outs but I still get comments made to me about the way I look. We will never be able to please everyone. We will always have flaws or things we're working on changing because none of us are perfect or ever will be.
I exercise and take care of my body for the energy, health, strength, and vitality. This isn't about being skinny or losing weight. I exercise because I love and respect my body. I want to nourish my body so I can have the energy to serve others and to be around for my family & friends.
I stay MOTIVATED with the help of likeminded people. I do this to feel HEALTHY and STRONG. When you begin to love and accept who you are, you will change faster on the outside as well. I love my body. I love my life so I will continue on this health and fitness journey.
If you would like me help you on your health & fitness journey, click here to contact me:

~ J. Lynn

Creating Your Birth Plan

Planning for labor is essential! Think about your birth environment, important paperwork, and the necessities you'll want to bring to help you feel prepared for the big day.

What do you need to bring with you?
• Photo ID
• Insurance card
• Important phone numbers 
• Comfy clothing (Personally, I am taking a few pair of leggings with me!)

Who do you want in the delivery room?
• Doula (I've decided to hire a doula for my 1st labor & I'm very excited about it!)
• Friend
• Partner
If you have a vaginal birth, what requests can you make?
• To view the birth using a mirror (I prefer not to see anything I don't have to! haha!)
• To touch your baby's head as it crowns (However, I will not be doing this.)
• For the hospital staff to help you with pushing techniques
• To be able to feel the urge before starting to push
What are your options for dealing with pain while in labor?
• Natural techniques (such as a shower, breathing techniques, massage, peanut ball, squatting bar) (I plan to use all of these natural techniques!!!)
• An epidural and/or spinal block (NO drugs for me!)
• No pain medication unless I specifically request it (Nada for me!)
The idea of something not going as planned is probably the last thing you want to think about.  Fortunately, planning ahead and talking to your OB or doula can help you plan for the unexpected and fully understand your options.

In case of interventions such as vacuum, forceps or episiotomy, what requests can you make?
• If you need any of these procedures, please let your OB know to discuss with you beforehand
• You would prefer not to have an episotomy unless medically necessary 
• You would prefer not to have forceps used
• You would prefer not to have a vacuum used 

What requests can you make for the umbilical cord?
• My partner (or other special person) to cut the cord (This is my personal choice!)
• To have the cord blood collected for banking

What are your options for holding your baby for the first time?
• Immediately after delivery
• After being wiped clean (This is my personal choice!)
• After weighing and initial cleaning

When can you start breastfeeding?
As soon as possible after the delivery (This is my personal choice!)
After discussion with a lactation consultant
When you feel comfortable

Please make sure you consider and understand all of these possibilities so that you can enjoy the delivery of your child to the fullest potential!  If I wouldn't have hired a doula, most of this probably would have never crossed my mind.  I want to pass on my new knowledge to any other pregnant women out there so that they can benefit from this information and have a very special delivery.

~ J. Lynn

There's Always a Healthy Alternative for Fried Foods!

Why do we enjoy fried foods so much?  That's an easy question to answer.  They’re crunchy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, BUT definitely TERRIBLE for your body.  While healthy fats are an essential part of a healthy diet, the oils used for frying tend to be deficient in health value.

As an alternative to immersing the food in a puddle of less-than-healthy oil, baking it can produce similarly crunchy results.  However, the real secret to imitating the crackly, flavorful crust of a chicken tender, for example, is in the breaded exterior.  You can cover the outside of a piece of chicken with a number of different things to get that crispy bite — crushed corn flakes, crackers, or panko breadcrumbs will do the trick.  Nonetheless, I recommend trying more health-giving options.

How to Prepare Breaded Fish Fillets with Almond Flour

Almond flour is made by grinding whole, blanched almonds and, therefore, has the same nutrient profile as the raw nuts.  It’s rich with monounsaturated fat and vitamin E, and provides a good source of protein and gut-healthy fiber.  Almond flour is easy to use as a breading substitute, and because it contains protein and fat, helps you have a sense of fullness comparable to something fried.

To duplicate the bread-crumb effect, whisk two whole eggs together in a dish.  In another dish, mix one cup of almond flour with salt and pepper and any dried herbs you like.  Dip fish fillets into the beaten eggs then into the almond flour until the fish is completely coated.  Bake the fillets in the oven at 400°F for 10 minutes for thin fillets, and up to 15 minutes for thicker ones.

How to Prepare Breaded Zucchini Fries with Flax Meal

Flax meal is a gluten-free flour alternative.  It is one of the richest sources of the omega-3 fatty acid ALA, and it contains antioxidant lignans and a good source of protein, insoluble fiber, and calcium.  Since it is high in fiber, it is best consumed with water, so the high water content of vegetables makes the two a natural duo.

Mix one cup of flax meal with salt and pepper, whisk two eggs together, then dip vegetables (such as zucchini strips) in the egg mixture, then in the breading.  Bake until golden and crunchy at 375°F for 25–30 minutes.

How to Prepare Battered Chicken Fingers with Brown Rice Flour

Brown rice flour delivers a high-protein and high-fiber replacement for wheat: One cup contains roughly 11 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber.  When pulverized into flour, brown rice conserves its phenolic compounds, which put forth potent antioxidant activity.

To make chicken fingers: Mix half a cup of brown rice flour with one egg, one and a half teaspoons baking powder, salt and pepper.  Add extra zest with either smoked paprika or cayenne pepper, if preferred.  Dip chicken pieces in the batter, and bake at 375°F for 20 minutes for a mild, crispy meal.

These suggestions should help trigger your own ideas.  Move forward and create whatever combination of flour alternative plus protein or vegetable that best suits your needs and tastes.  Feel free to share any ideas that you come up with in the comments.

~ J. Lynn

Pregnancy Gave Me The Chance To Be a Maternity Model for a Day & a Role Model for a Lifetime

It feels good to know others still find me beautiful while I'm pregnant.  I have really been struggling with self-image issues lately.  I recently got asked to be a maternity model by a talented Pittsburgh photographer for a photo shoot at North Park.  Through this modeling experience, I have gained more confidence in myself physically.  However, through the experience of being single and pregnant, I have reached a high level of confidence mentally.

I hear it a lot, "Wow, You're so beautiful" which is flattering and of course it's nice, but I want to be known for more because I am more!  I deserve to be known for my intelligence and all I’m doing to further my future and my son’s future.  I want people to know who I am as a person because I have worked hard to become the great young woman I am. 

I want people to know the real me.  I want everyone to know how strong I am, how much I have overcome in my life to get where I am today.  I want women to know they don't need to be validated by how they look but by who they are on the inside.  I want women to know they don't need a man's opinion on how they look to matter.  I want to show the world that beauty is how you treat others and what you do, not how you look.  If you are pretty on the inside, then that just makes your outside appearance that much more beautiful.  Life is so much more than being "pretty".

Some of the best stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about making the best of each moment because we really don’t know what will happen next. Maybe I didn’t get my perfect ending, but I will get something so much better.  Mistakes are inevitable in a life worth living. As long as I learn from them, mistakes are very important. They have taught me exactly what I want and who I want to be.  There are some days, I feel miserable.  Those days end up leaving me stronger, more appreciative, more compassionate, and wiser.  Beautiful people do not just transpire - life is all about experience.

I am constantly wondering and questioning my decisions but that is a sign of intelligence.  I am aware when I am not content with something and I never want to settle.  So many people stay where they are - emotionally or physically - because it takes bravery to withstand the severe pains of self-discovery.

I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me.  Sure, being a single mom isn't always ideal, and it can be hard raising a child on your own.  Nonetheless, the ones "winging" it usually are quite happy.  I’m the one making the decisions for my son now and when he arrives.  The up-side is I won’t have to answer to anyone. While struggling and hustling, I’ve managed to find a balance between enjoying my life and also preparing for my son’s arrival. 

To those who judge me, look down on me, or don't support me -- GOODBYE!!  To the outside world, sometimes it seem like my journey has been a walk in the park, but it certainly hasn’t.  Behind the scenes, I've cried myself to sleep and called my friends in the middle of the night because my heart kept breaking over and over again.  Because of my son’s father, I have had to step up to the plate and hustle harder than ever.  I have had to go outside of my comfort zone and do a million things I never thought I’d be able to do.  It was his job to teach me that people don’t leave when things get hard --that people fight for what’s worth fighting for -- but he didn't.  It was his job to be the one man in the world who would never hurt me, but he failed.  He thought that his circumstances were an excuse to stop being there for me.  He let his past, pride, demons and selfishness be a validation to stop fighting for me.  I will forgive him, but I'll never forget his lack of commitment to myself or to our son.  However I thank him, because I’m now a mother and I’ll get to experience the best thing in the entire world.  I may struggle, but I have learned how to let toxic things go and carry on that much stronger.

If you are going through a trial in your life, keep your head to the sky.  When it gets hard to stand, kneel down and pray.  You are an OVERCOMER.  Just like my tattoo says, "Faith Will Conquer".

~ J. Lynn

Showered With Love

And So... The Adventure Begins...

Since I am a control freak, I planned my own baby shower. Of course, my parents hosted it for me though. I wanted the theme to be travel/vintage to match the theme of my nursery.  Below are some photos of the venue and decorations. The venue was a quaint restaurant in Pittsburgh. My centerpieces were hot air balloons that my girlfriend, mother & I created with the help of Pinterest. My cake was navy and included a world map.  My favors were map gift boxes filled with chocolate candy and an airplane cookie cutter. 



I wanted an intimate and small shower because I am not big on being the center of attention. I'll let my son take care of that soon enough (haha)! I invited about 30 people, including family and close friends. The gifts I received were so thoughtful, and I am very appreciative of everyone's generosity.

                                        #SushiLover                                         #SteelersGear

The food that was provided by the Willow was absolutely delicious. I chose to have a buffet style luncheon with herb grilled chicken, pasta primavera and red skin potatoes. The cookies were made by Lincoln Bakery (same place that made the cake).

The encouragement and support of all these lovely women is EVERYTHING to me! The phone calls, the prayers, the gifts, and unconditional love that has been given to me throughout the last 8 months is indescribable. Dante is going to be so blessed to have you ALL in his life. I can't wait for everyone to meet the little prince. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


To all the beautiful mamas to be out there -- I wish you as much love and support as I have received throughout my pregnancy.  It's not what we have in life that counts, it's WHO WE HAVE!

~ J. Lynn

Realizing Real Love Through A Special Necklace

When I received this necklace today in the mail, I realized it symbolized much more than the name of my son.  It was bought for me by someone special, someone who has loved me since day one, and I am finally recognizing what real love is.  Real love is rare, but it does exist.  Pay attention!

In November of 2007, I met a man briefly through a mutual friend that we had.  I thought he seemed nice, but also thought I'd never see him again after our first encounter.  Well, I was COMPLETELY wrong.  We ended up becoming good friends and not much later, I fell in love with him.  After years of trying to maintain a relationship with him, I realized that it couldn't work between us because we were on totally different paths in life.  We had numerous trials and tribulations for about five years.  He wasn't ready for a commitment and that's what I needed and wanted.  I fought as long and hard as I could until one day I had no choice but to give up.  I made a decision to cut off all ties with him because I had to focus on moving on.

After that relationship ended, I became very involved in church and was working on building a stronger relationship with God.  I got baptized in February of 2014.  I needed to find myself and create a life full of passion and purpose.  I spent a lot of time exercising, practicing photography and spending time with my girlfriends.  For about three years, I was 100% single and was content with being alone.  I found happiness in myself and realized someone else couldn't determine my joy.

In July of 2015, I reconnected with someone special from my past.  We started dating shortly after running into each other when we were both out one evening.  Fast forward to March of 2016, we got pregnant, and he chose to leave me.  (This piece is basically irrelevant for this blog post.)  Anyways,  I am now 33 weeks along in my pregnancy, and I wouldn't have made it this far without all the wonderful support from my friends.  Even more so, I wouldn't have made it without this man whom I met back in November of 2007.  Let me just say this ...."Everything Happens For A Reason!" is not just an old phrase -- it's the absolute TRUTH!

After about three years of not communicating or seeing this friend of mine, he comes back into my life when I'm pregnant and depressed.  Since the day I called him (about 2 weeks after I took the pregnancy test) to tell him this life-changing news, he has never left my side.  I don't see him every day, but just getting a "good morning" or "how are you feeling?" text almost every day has comforted me so much during this difficult time.  Often, I feel alone and when I see his call/text come through, I know God is watching over me every step on the way.  The days I do get to spend time with him are the days I feel most at peace.  To know that someone you once loved with your entire heart and soul is there for you when you least expected it opens your eyes to realize what true love is.  I shouldn't even say "once loved" because I will always love him - just in a different way.  Our bond is so strong and that is why we can still remain friends after all the difficult times we experienced when we tried to be a couple.  I have learned that forgiveness is the only way to find peace.  Forgiveness sets you free and helps you to grow.  No one is perfect and everyone will always disappoint us at some point in our lives.  You just have to notice who is worth the tears and who isn't.

I could never thank this man enough for all he has done for me throughout my pregnancy.  From asking if I needed accompanied to a doctor's appointment, sitting with me for several hours at the hospital for testing and taking me out to eat when I'm craving something serious.  Oh, and I can't forget to mention the day he walked into the maternity store at the mall with me!  To some people, these things may seem minor or insignificant.  However, to me, it means the world.  Simple acts of kindness are what count the most.

I decided to share this because I know that we all experience tribulations in life, and I never want to see anyone lose hope.  I wish that wherever you are in your life, someone is there to remain by your side and cheer you on.  Often, we break ourselves down during the bad times when someone is there to tell you that everything will be okay, it makes a big difference in our mindset.  Never lose faith and always remember that someone loves you (possibly even the person you thought didn't).

Blessings & Happiness to All!

~ J. Lynn

Insomnia During Pregnancy

It’s NOT FAIR that when you need it the most, you can't get it. You keep on telling yourself it's the last chance for a long time (at least until your baby's snoozing through the nighttime). Nonetheless, you still can't get any sleep. Insomnia hits particularly hard in the third trimester of pregnancy.  I’m on Week 32, Day 3 of my pregnancy and I’m going CRAZY trying to deal with this!

What Roots It?

A complex combination of all the hormonal fluctuations, numerous trips to the bathroom, leg cramps, and pre-birth anxiety can all cause difficulty sleeping around week 33 of pregnancy.  For me, the number one cause is anxiousness about labor since it will be my first time, and I don’t know what to expect. The second biggest thing that is affecting me is the constant thoughts about whether or not my son’s father will decide to show up and be a part of his life.  I know I can handle being a single mama, but I want my son to feel loved by his father as well.  I want the BEST for my son as any mother would.  I am continuously praying to God about these things, but yet still can’t seem to escape the worry.  It’s something I need to work on.

What You Must Know

You're undoubtedly getting more shut-eye than you think, but between the fact that your sleep is intermittent by your need to pee, and the fact that you're tossing and turning all night, it's no surprise you're feeling as if you're not sleeping during pregnancy at all. If there's any optimistic side here, it's the guarantee that you're getting some concrete preparation for what lies ahead.

What You Can Do

Don't fear. Insomnia can't hurt you or your baby. Sometimes just letting go of the worry and giving it to God is all it takes to help you sleep.

If you have insistent worries that are keeping you up each night, talk about them with a friend and try to sort them out during daytime hours.  Another thing to try is writing your thoughts down in a journal to help clear your mind.

Avoid caffeine, particularly in the late afternoon or evening, since that can keep you awake.
Drink earlier. Fill your daily requirement of H2O during the early evening to decrease the bathroom runs after you've hit the sack.

Move your body. Get some daily pregnancy exercise, but not too close to bedtime (a post-workout high can give you an energy boost and keep you awake).

Make a bedtime routine. Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day. Every night, read a book or play soft music.  One thing that has seemed to help me is a free app that I downloaded on my iPhone called “Ocean Wave Sounds for Sleep and Relaxation” (I’m a huge ocean lover!).

Get comfy. If you're uncomfortable, you won't sleep. Is your bedroom too cold? Is it too hot? Check the temperature, and make sure you're using a mattress that provides solid support.  A body pillow can help you get comfortable, and help you get the sleep you need.

Don't use sleep aids. Don’t depend on on over-the-counter, prescription or herbal pills to help you sleep. These are dangerous during pregnancy.

If you're not sleeping, get up. If you’re not asleep after 20 to 30 minutes of trying, conquer a small task that needs to be done and then try to go to sleep again.

Don't tally the hours. Though most people do best on eight hours of sleep, some do well on less and some require more. So instead of targeting for a specific number of sleep hours — ask yourself how you're feeling on the hours you're sleeping during pregnancy. If you're not persistently tired, you may be getting enough rest.

Sleep well during your last trimester beautiful mamas!!!

~ J. Lynn

Nurture Your Friendships

Even the solid friendships need to be nurtured. I’ve found some successful ways to let your closest friends know how important they are to you, and I’d like to share this information so that you can have lasting friendships.
1. Text or call—or write a card, note or email—expressing how much the friendship means to you. 
2. Send a photo of a wonderful time you had together in the past and tell the person how happy it makes you feel that you’re still friends after all these years.
3. Instead of always saying, “We have to get together,” make concrete plans. Get out your calendar and set up a time to get together—even if it’s just over a cup of coffee. 
4. Plan a getaway. Perhaps you’ve both been busy and haven’t seen each other for a while. Pledge to spending uninterrupted time together on an extended visit or on vacation so you can rewire and create new memories.
5. Apologize if you should. If something has currently gotten in the way of your friendship and you think you may have been at fault, don’t be too big to apologize.
6. Express your love through actions. Give your closest friends a big hug or a kiss and remind them how important they are to you. You may even want to send flowers or something they enjoy as a treat.
7. Last but not least, be around when they are going through a difficult situation. Don’t just show up when it’s convenient or for the fun times.
Friendship is an essential part of living a healthy lifestyle. Spread the love!
~ J. Lynn

Sometimes Life Betrays You But You Learn To Find The Sunshine Anyways

Hardly any words can come close to describing the pain you feel when you realize that the person who was once your best friend has become a stranger to you. It’s a deeper kind of loss, because it’s not like that person just betrayed you. Life betrayed you. You never envision someone you've known and loved for eight plus years to not be who you thought they were. You expect the one person that you have shared all your dreams, hopes and scars with to be your biggest supporter and to never leave your side when things get tough. One day, you think you're going to tie the knot, and the next moment you find out you're pregnant which leads to you to being single.

You don’t doubt that you loved your ex or that your ex loved you, but when your ideas of love failed to match up, so did the relationship. You look back on the good times and laugh, and reflect on the bad ones to remind yourself of how far you've come. It’s not that you’re not open to the idea of love again. It’s just that when it does happen, you’ll go in with open eyes. Now is the period of time when you aren’t sure if you’re going to make it … to the end of the week or even through the day. You’re in a dark place.

I didn’t laugh for months. I was terrified that I wasn’t going to be able to raise a happy child or fall in love again. I was feeling as if this darkness would never go away. Others opinions, including my own twin sister's, were causing me so much doubt and fear. The gossip and judgment from certain people was destroying my mental state. My tunnel was filled with lots of words I am not fond of: anxiety, depression, desolation, fear, frustration, loneliness, sadness. I recall many weekends lying on the couch and thinking to myself that if I just took another nap, I would wake up and this would only be a bad dream. I had to find a way to stay focused with my work, keep my body healthy, and my bank account full.

It took me a while to find the right "formula" of things that helped me. There were 3 things that helped me through my tunnel: God's word, exercise and a variety of personal-development books. I used these things to push me, help me grow, and encourage me to move forward. Although I endorse my formula, each individual has things that work best for them through their tunnel.

The best approach to crack your code is to try different activities to find the ones that reverberate most with you. If practicing yoga sounds fun, do yoga. If reading a certain book sounds interesting, do that. The idea is to create a list of action items that work for you. You’ll refer to this list over and over again.

There is never an end to this process, single mama. I am still trying my best to grow and learn. Each time I reread a book or re-evaluate an old process, I will hear “new” things and some of the same things differently. I’m eager about the changes that will occur internally, which will allow for some exhilarating changes to occur externally.

You can incessantly improve and love yourself in spite of any mistakes or slip-ups. You can take the time you need for you, so take it and enjoy it. It's faultlessly okay to focus closely on your child. You, as your child's solo parent, are enough. Your child is going to turn out great. You get what you focus on, in love and in life. You can find new love again. You must forgive yourself, daily if necessary. You're not a victim, you're a conqueror.

Whatever you want for yourself and your child, you can craft it. Simply take the first step, and then the next, and so on. Take ownership of every facet of your life. Single mama, you're freaking fabulous!

I want to finish here with some encouragement from a single mama: “You’re going to make it! There are lots of sacrifices, but you will make it. I promise you the days will get easier, and the sunshine will come your way!”

~ J. Lynn


          21 Years Old - 185 lbs
31 Years Old - 159 lbs (with baby)

I have NOT always been healthy.
I was 185 lbs ten years ago & I am 159 lbs currently (also 7&1/2 months pregnant!) Crazy, right?!

I STRUGGLED with weight until my mid 20s.
I tried every diet under the sun. They all FAILED.

However, one day I woke up and decided to make a LIFESTYLE change.
It wasn't EASY, but it was POSSIBLE.

I know it can be OVERWHELMING.
I know the different emotions that it can cause.
I've EXPERIENCED it all.

I was not comfortable in my OWN skin.
I was depressed because of they way others treated me.
I wanted everyone to ACCEPT me, but I didn't even accept MYSELF.

I just wanted to FEEL good about myself.
I wanted to be healthy, but I didn't know where to BEGIN.

NOW, after lots of hard work and research, I found it ONLY takes a few SIMPLE habits to be healthy.

If you make these simple habits part of your life, you will see RESULTS.

What you put inside your body comes through to the outside. Your physical state affects your mental state. Take control of your body, mind and spirit.

I am so grateful that I have been eating clean and exercising for the last 7 years because now that I am pregnant, I am able to take good care of my baby boy. I am giving him the nutrition he needs to enter this world as healthy as possible. Also, I plan to be a role model for him as he grows up so that hopefully he will live a healthy lifestyle as well.

I share my story so YOU know you are NOT ALONE. I hope this MOTIVATES you!

If you're READY to make a change, feel free to check out my website and sign up for a FREE health consultation with me.

To sign-up for a Free 50-Minute Health Consultation, click here:

~ J. Lynn

How Third-Trimester Exercise Benefits Your Baby

28 Weeks Along with My Prince

Hey Mama-to-be!

I’m on Week 28 – Day 2 of my pregnancy, and I wanted to share with you my thoughts on exercising while pregnant.  Since I found out I was pregnant, which was at the end of March, I’ve maintained a consistent exercise routine.  I get an hour workout in about 4 times a week.  Also, I walk for at least 30 minutes a day, when I don’t use a fitness DVD at home or attend the gym.

Exercise during pregnancy can keep weight gain in check, shrink your risk of gestational diabetes, decrease discomfort, and set you up for an easier labor and delivery.  Breaking a sweat, especially after 29 weeks, has a big benefit for your baby, too. 

During your 3rd Trimester, it’s time to get ready!  You’ll want to boost your endurance and stamina, and relieve stress to prepare for delivery.  Mamas who exercise in their third trimesters tend to give birth to babies with less body fat.  Prenatal exercise may decrease the amount of glucose and fats mothers make accessible to their babies, helping them grow more optimally.

Even if you weren't active earlier in your pregnancy, it's never too late to start moving. The third trimester is when most of your baby's fat tissues develop, so that's when exercise may have the largest payoff in terms of your baby's body fat.

Don't fear -- You don't need to be a marathon runner to earn the rewards.  I recommend doing 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity.  Even brisk walking most days of the week throughout your pregnancy is very beneficial to you and the baby.

Ways to Get Moving:
1. Every hour, make sure you stand up and walk for 15 minutes.
2. Create a walking loop at your workplace so you can always take a quick walk regardless of the weather.
3. Check out some prenatal exercise DVDs from Autumn Calabrese (Beachbody).
4. Dance while you do household tasks.
5. If you have other kids, take them to the park and play with them.

Getting yourself to the gym may take an extra dose of motivation, but the payoff is huge.  Consistent exercise during pregnancy can minimize aches and constipation, help you sleep better, and lower your risk of depression.  You may even end up having a shorter, less complicated labor.

If your favorite classes don't come in the prenatal variety, it's fine to keep going, as long as you pay attention to how your body feels.  Be sure to limit your intensity and stay within the normal range of motion.  Also, make sure the instructor knows that you're pregnant and is knowledgeable about modifications you can make.

My wish is for all of the mamas-to-be to stay active and healthy in order to have the best 40 week journey possible.  Blessings and love to you all!

~ J. Lynn

Stay Close to What Makes You Happy to Be Alive!

I have a BIG LESSON that I need to share with YOU!
The lesson I've learned = Stay CLOSE to anything that makes you GLAD you are ALIVE!
Sometimes there is sadness in our journey, but there is also lots of beauty. We must keep putting one foot in front of the other even when we're hurt, for we will never know what is waiting for us around the bend.
You can love someone so much, but you can never love people as much as you can miss them. Sometimes you have to move on without certain people. If they're meant to be in your life, they'll catch up.
The truth is that it hurts because it's real. It's hurts because they mattered to you. It's very important that you recognize that.
There are things in life that we don't want to happen, but we have to accept. There are people we can't live without, but have to let go.
In the blink of an eye, everything can change. Be sure to forgive often and love with all your heart. You may never know when you may not have that chance again.

~ J. Lynn

Create A New Story

I’m Not the Girl I Was Last Year

Everyone changes.  You learn, you develop, and you experience new things.  Everything you come upon has some sort of effect on you.  That’s just how life works.  For the most part, these changes happen subtly over the course of a few years and dawdling enough that you barely even notice.

However, in 2016, I’ve changed the most -- so significantly to the point that I sometimes feel downright unrecognizable.  This past year tested my limits, made me fly and sent me crashing to the ground. I cried more, laughed more and spent a lot of my days in misconception.

My heart got broken. I lost the support of family and friends. Also, I learned that sometimes those “that’ll never happen to me” circumstances, may in reality happen to you.  As well, I gained incredible friends, who have taught and inspired me more than I could have conceivably imagined. They make sure I don’t take life too seriously, but drive me to stay focused every day. They are there for every laugh and every cry.

I had to figure out how to let people in while also sewing up my wounds on my own. It wasn’t easy and I spent time questioning every move I made. Nonetheless, I can’t and I don’t regret a thing.  I’ve learned too much and experienced too many vital things to look back and say “I truly wish I could take that back.”

Am I proud of all my judgments? I am certainly not. Did I do things I probably shouldn’t have? Yes, but that’s what helped me mature, and it was all worth it.  Who I am now isn’t afraid to make mistakes as long as I learn from them. I thought I was strong before, but I’m even stronger now. I know how to listen to my heart without entirely ignoring my mind.  I’ve learned how to let things go that I can’t control and not bottle up all of my emotions.

With every loss, I've gained something new. I’m still young and I haven’t figured it all out just yet. I’m still going to make senseless mistakes, and life is still going to test my boundaries.  I’m on a journey to be the best version of myself possible, whoever that may be.  Only God knows my future and only time will reveal it to me. 

~ J. Lynn

Life Would Be Different If We Couldn't Run Away

Some people always run.  They don’t have the courage or strength to stay.

Facing their problems seems almost inconsequential.  They don’t believe things will get better if they stick around to solve them. However, doesn’t pushing them to the side, moving as far as possible from them do the same thing?  Regardless, some people just disappear.

I guess it’s easier to run. Facing problems can hurt.  They can mess up the good things we’ve created, but we can also lose someone in the process.  So, if we run away, more things stay the same.  Some people are scared of change so running is their best option.

What if we couldn’t run, though?  Imagine that: a world where we had to face all our problems. Life would be exponentially different.  I believe this would be a better life.

We would understand each other more. We would openly converse when we had problems with other people. Then, those problems would be solved.  Some relationships may be lost in the process, and some hurt may dawdle. In the long run, we’d be at peace though.

Our relationships would be stronger.  We could have more reliance.  We could love greater because we’d know we were investing in quality people (people who won’t run away) who will speak to us.  We would face the fact that things are hard and work to fix them.

We would work to help ourselves. We would treat ourselves better in the process.  We would have more of an indication of the path that we would take.  Ultimately, we’d love ourselves more.

The truth is that the most problems we run from are the ones we face personally, within ourselves.  We avoid our character flaws and the chance of what could happen tomorrow.  If we couldn’t evade ourselves, or run away from our beliefs, we’d be forced to face them.  However — after facing ourselves, our opportunities, and others — wouldn’t we find more love for ourselves? I believe our lives would become easier.

We could end running away from our problems. We could begin to face them.  At that moment, the world would be a little different.

So today, I propose you stop running.  Take a moment to think about your life and the battles you are facing internally.  Contemplate ways that you can resolve those conflicts and find peace.

~ J. Lynn